Friday, January 22, 2016


How to appreciate colors? How to soak in the warmth of a yellow as sunshine on a dark cloudy day, seeing yellow painted walls and golden bricks on houses.

Letting the yellow come into your vision and then associate brightness and shininess with the yellow color, using your memory in combination with your imagination and then coloring a cloudy dark foggy day with a boost of yellow-ish glory, a golden medal of honor, a color to represent happiness and then to change your mood to happiness when you see this color, to allow it to change your mood like the skin of a chameleon changes with the colors in his environment.

Allow the color to bring you to lightness, to take you on a trip that is sunny and sandy like a beach, a yellow banana eaten by a chimp in a zoo, to be there at this zoo watching a chimp enjoy a yellow banana. To internalize its sumptuousness, to feel its upwards growth, to imagine yellow being all around you, to chase away ghosts, to brighten a dark day.

A yellow color in a candle flame just above the blue, a candle that lightens your eyes to seeing a dancing flame, a flame that beckons you too to dance with it. To see the yellow flame reflecting on your fingernail and knowing that yellow can penetrate your body towards actions of goodness lighted up with its moodiness turning into loving-kindness in a dark night.

Being with the color yellow all day long, not giving it up, not giving it away, choosing a yellow mood over all other moods, feeling yellow to bring you a great day.

Knowing G-d created yellow for you to enjoy it, seeing G-d in all yellow things.

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