Tuesday, October 27, 2015


How to keep with your Jewish faith everyday? What can we do to practice it when we are not in a Shul or not at a Kiddush or other ritual community gathering? How can we practice our faith everyday no matter where we are, who we are with, or what we are doing?

We have the gift of the Hebrew language as ours. Hebrew can roll off our tongues at anytime. If we cannot chant it loudly, we can always whisper it to ourselves, say blessings every time we eat, before and after a meal. There are blessings we can chant in Hebrew for mostly whatever it is we are doing. We can constantly praise and thank G-d for everything that we are doing, everything that we have, for our relationships with other people, for our families, the list goes on and on and on.

There are Jewish radio stations we can plug into, to keep the singing in our hearts, there are worship service computer audios, and we can always sing to ourselves, no matter where we are, we can sing and remember the Hebrew words and keep up a daily rhythm.

We can write about our faith, we can teach it to our children or others who could benefit from the lessons, as a way to keep peace with all people so the barrier of misunderstandings can be lifted. What people do not know, is what they fear. Fear puts up walls between people and defeats peace efforts, the more we can teach others about our faith, the more comfortable they will feel and therefore the more peace that can be had.

Wear a yarmulke, tallit katan, or other religious garment that identifies you as Jewish. This is a good way to always be in the faith, kissing the tzitzit on a daily basis as it becomes part of you, an extension of who you are--as a Jew, and not just another person on the street. You can become a good example, a mentor, and visually be identified as Jewish, and people will see how righteous a Jew is, by watching your behavior.

Be in communion with other Jews in your community. Hang with them. Pray with them. Get to know them. Solidify your space in your environment with the support of other Jews. Keep up a good relationship with all Jews, Jews of every denomination. Do not segregate. Be inclusive in your friendships, and respect and honor all other Jews.

This is how to keep holy everyday. Continue to wash your hands and recite the blessings. Clean hands clean heart. And of course, study Torah everyday.

Monday, October 26, 2015


What is it like to be hungry? To be hungry all the time, never having enough food to fill the nagging feeling in your stomach--even after you supposedly had what another says is the right amount of food. What is hunger? It is the weakness in your body parts, the growling in your stomach, the involuntary fasting that one goes through when others are not going through it. It shames one as he asks for more, needing more, hunger wrenching stomach gut not resting, but calling for relief, for more than one bite, for a full cuisine, when there is none available.

Hunger is not shameful, it is a natural biological function of the body to regularly crave food, to need the sustenance to keep the blood flowing and the organs warm and in good shape. Have you ever asked someone for food and they said "No, they will not give you any food." But with G-d as your shield constantly, you can watch them in daily self-destruction as they hold onto selfishness, G-d is breaking them with a rod of iron as they get thinner and thinner, as they ate the food instead of you, when it was your food and not theirs. But their food did not fill them, it was not spiritual food. G-d will shield the hungry as they get regular meals everyday because they share it.. The selfish will get thinner and their clothes get loose as their food will not change them for the better, they eat empty calories.

"Lord, how they have increased who trouble me! Many are they who rise up against me." [Psalm 3:1.]  But oh, how we watch the wicked wallowing in their own deceit and oppression as they try to forward it onto others. Diabetes and Gout, Heart Attacks from over-eating meat. An apple a day keeps the doctor away, but if you give your apple away to the hungry, that'll keep Satan away.

A little food could go a long way if it is shared and not hoarded, and that it is when the food you eat is also spiritual food, because it has been shared, and no one goes away hungry.


Taking a realist's attitude towards acknowledging that life has it ups, but more importantly acknowledging that life has its downs. And when acknowledging and validating life's downs, to keep a serious balanced attitude and not go through life pretending all is a ballet and that you are a dizzy dancer in a "wonderful" rose-colored world.

To keep with only the truest of all possible friends, The G-d Almighty Himself and trust Him with all of your difficulties and pray to Him to relieve your daily hardships, and not to get entangled with trying to get nurturing from people who give no compassion or just "listen" and offer no assistance.

Step each step of your day with the fear and love for HASHEM and rely on Him to answer your prayers where mortals cannot or do not do this. Mortals are imperfect and are spawned on by the yetzir harah, [evil intentions], and it is good to always be on your guard and not to trust inherently imperfect mortals.

Only G-d is good, He is the only goodness that is anywhere, and He is everywhere, except in the mouths of the impure, and all mouths have some degree of impurity--human mouths that is.

And knowing that this attitude is realistic and not pessimistic.

Friday, October 23, 2015


Bravery, courageousness, boldness, speaking out above the din, holding your peace and taming your tongue, silenced when all is just noise, prayer where scoffers dominate, reading where books are burned, sitting when everyone is standing and standing when the norm is to sit. Writing or making art when mathematics takes the pie, listening to the stories of the afflicted when everyone is ignored. Taking someone's side when they are losing, giving a reward to him who has nothing and cannot do anything. Being attentive when the order is to sleep. Relaxing when they tell you to stiffen and exhaust yourself, smiling when everyone else is frowning, enjoying yourself when they want you to suffer, slipping a wrench in the machine, saving a life when they want him to die, obeying the rules when they expect you to rebel.

Respecting the fool who is really a king, learning from the illiterate, washing a dirty body, dancing instead of stiffening, whistling a tune in the silence, being one with beauty where all is ugly. Taking a chance where it is boring and breaking a rule that is unjust. Knowing the options and opting in when it helps or opting out when out is healthier. Jam with a band and tap your feet where all others are stiff-necked. Celebrating your birthday without disappointment, receiving a gift and thanking someone. Shaking someone's hand, giving someone a hug. Whetting your lips with water and washing your hands from a vessel. Continuing to live again and again, and to remain firm, to take up space. Laugh when nothing is funny, making something funny when it was not in the first place, chuckling and smiling, feeling the rhythm when there is no music. Staying where you are and making a stand. Defying all obstacles, and doing it without a fight. Being able to rest during a thunderstorm. Loving and hating when no one is feeling. Moving your legs when they are stiff. Restraining yourself from junk food, waiting to take the cake.

Flying with the angels when all they offer you is an airplane. Not crying when you feel pain. Resting when they want to force you to work. Cleaning when they want to keep you dirty. Singing when others whisper, and rejoicing when you want to, to live happily ever after, but never to say "The End," continuing to wake up each morning and rising with the sun. Saying I love you when they hate you. Being at one and at peace everyway, everyday, going with your own flow, and doing it again and again, never to close the book.


Waiting eagerly for a kind word, anticipating an endless river of tears, giving a smile to get a smile, appealing to them for a grain of sugar, a treat, a reason to be honest, a reason to receive honesty, a path of wisdom, a word of holiness, a body to sway with a nearby spirit, a calling from the depths of the sea, a sandcastle that becomes home, a puddle that is a swimming pool, filtered water from an outdoor fountain, clean hands clean heart.

Both hearts beating, one wants to beat instead of the other, stealing food from mother's plate, not being fed, no windows shining light, enclosed between four dark walls, in a basement, not feeding or drinking, fasting, suffering, waiting to feel darkness becoming light again.

A new life, a new attitude, an angel becoming a companion, a friend in him, a softness of wings as he touches you, turning into gold, becoming a winner, having peace in your heart. Forgiving and knowing the truth. Having an answer, not lying, not being lied to, no one showing pretenses, no disguises or evil, accepting each other—a kiss on the mouth.

A shoulder rub, holding hands, tickling, touching and loving. Darkness transformed before one's very eyes—a candle flame lit, Shabbat a day of rest coming tonight and tomorrow, keeping it together till then, resting in routine, being with G-d all day, a day of peace. No longer thirsting, will be drinking, will no longer be wanting, will be satisfied, will no longer be eager, will be sated, will not be looking, will have found.

Reading The Psalms' words of truth, words of realness becoming an iron suit of armor. A knight in the night on a dark horse riding on a familiar path—no pot holes, sure-footed, horseshoes pounded in solidly nail by nail. Not walking barefoot and not being without shoes, having it all but having nothing. Having Torah at all times, having the reason why, so being fed and fed again and again with G-d's Words.


Weaning, separating, curling up in a ball. Protection, building walls, inside a book, no one can penetrate, stopping abuse, silencing interrogators, holding up one's hands, a veil over the eyes, a prayer shawl tallit over the head, blinders, not seeing to the right or to the left, siddur words only in front, windshield wipers on, no tears, no regret, a place of solace, a place of solitude, a place of rest, a daily place to go, to not wear armor, to not be in a battle, to stop all wars, to throw away one's bow and arrows, to choose a peaceful road, to not give in, to lotion up your flesh, to keep well hydrated, to breathe deeply, to know your enemies, to feel disappointed, to wonder why, to be sad, to take back one's trust, to retreat like a snail or turtle into its shell.

To have G-d The Almighty provide the shell and hence security, to know, to be aware, to understand, to swim the other way--to find love in a different place.

Thursday, October 22, 2015


Protection, Hashkivenu  Adonai! Help us. In a refuge city--a place kept apart, kept separate, kept safe and secure. Iron gates taller than Goliath with iron gate doors that only unlock from the inside, doors that never open to the enemy, video cameras that chase away ghosts, not even spirits can come inside, candles always lighted, "holy" ghosts are dissolved and cannot penetrate.

Sharp piercing arrows on tops of fences, brick walls the size of pyramids set up to halt the enemy. Safe inside, like a bomb shelter where shrapnel cannot enter.

Warriors in suits of armor lined up to fight against any intruders, safe on the inside, in the womb, in an embryo made of heavy solid concrete, with all the comforts on the inside lining, a womb with a never-ending flow of milk and honey, a cord to continue a flow of manna, cooked kosher foods like pureed kosher meats to nourish an infant, a cradle set up with soldiers who guard it from bloodthirsty invaders.

A place to relax, a place to feel safe and secure,  a place to snuggle under the covers, a place where there is no oppression, a place where no one is able to rule without justice, a place to live, a refuge city.


After eating, as Jews we chant The Birkat Hamazon. The blessing after eating when we thank G-d for what we have eaten, and rejoice in the fact that we ate it and are now full in our tummies and energized to continue our work for the rest of the day till the next meal.

I think it is important to laugh after eating! When we rejoice to G-d and are thanking G-d, give a chuckle, smile and laugh out loud! Laugh because you are full in your tummy and this is an enjoyable experience, worth giving out a shout of laughter over. Feel blessed, as you truly are blessed, to have food and know where your next meal is coming from. Enjoy the richest of viands, as G-d's Chosen people, and laugh, feel good that you are eating it, that you have finished eating it, and enjoy it!

Eating kosher foods? Be thankful! Laugh out loud! Dance it into your mouth with your fork and spoon. Eat to content--Pray, eat, drink and be merry--and LAUGH! Ha Ha Ha!


Needing the protection of a powerful one G-d? When you lose your footing and deny the oneness of G-d, and allow a different god to come into your existence, you lose G-d's powerful oneness and therefore lose G-d's protection. Dividing the one G-d by two, taking in a "messiah" who is Jesus or someone else and therefore losing the one G-d, you will lose G-d's power, and a temptation to have a "friend" in a god, will diminish your powers. You will have no one, a ghost, a spirit instead, and the power of your one G-d will lessen and then disappear completely and you will have no one, nothing.

Without HASHEM there will be no honesty, no goodness, no righteousness, no mercy. Keep the Faith! Do not allow other gods to take you away from HASHEM. Praise G-d daily with the chanting of the blessings in the Hebrew language so S/He does not flee from you leaving you with a false god in a state of nothingness. This is very important! Never deviate from the Almighty because you will be left with nothing. A lesser god will be there and idols will take over, and you will therefore have nothing. Love and obey the greatest G-d HASHEM or you will be in a world of damnation and love will be gone.

Wednesday, October 21, 2015


Wondering a lot, wanting to know, needing to get an answer, finding information, feeling an itch to get it, learning something you never learned before. Knowing what others do not know. Being in a class by oneself, eating of the Tree of Good and Evil, biting the apple of The Tree of Knowledge. Sharing your knowledge. No one understanding, no background for digesting the information. Wishing others could feel it too. Teaching and wanting others to know too, to find what you are looking for. To come to fruition. To have success.

Finding and knowing you are now richer than before. An addition to your glossary, another fact in your dictionary. Another gem to shine. Another jewel to glisten. A lot of good stuff, a frequent feeling of grandeur, a supposition that becomes true.

A reason to be. A reason to live. To acquire more. To be rich in knowledge. To be a scholar and to study eternally. A Malamud--an eternal student. Studying with the intent of teaching. Sharing.

Studying to do an action that reflects what you learn. Studying Torah, reading the Prophets, comprehending the Writings. Always having it in your pocket to whip it out when you need it.

Chanting blessings to bring holiness to everything that happens in your day. Feeling holiness as you get closer to The Almighty G-d. More and more. Finding, flourishing, succeeding, sharing, becoming deeply philosophic. Grasping for answers to questions you never knew you could ask.

Asking a Rabbi. Getting an answer that makes your life easier. Groping and receiving. Feeling an honorable day, one of learning and teaching. Studying Torah is all it takes to make your day--a great one.

Friday, October 16, 2015


How to put it all on hold, on pause, on stop--for Shabbat the Jewish Sabbath, the last day of the week when G-d rested. It is not easy. It is a sin to work on Shabbat. So how can we stop working when we take pleasure in our work, especially if we are artists, actors, and writers, and crave doing our craft, something we live for and love.

The first volume of The Talmud, number one, is all about the rules of Shabbat, what not to do, and what is allowed that we are able to do. The day has to be different in someway than all the other days of the week, it should be a stress-less relaxing day, but a day when we can spend much time in the study of Torah. We can study Torah and it and your Siddur are the only books we should carry around. We should not pick up or carry miscellaneous heavy books other than the Torah and Siddur. We should not carry anything with our hands, try to attach an object to your body with string or just put it in a shoulder bag. We do not want the force of our energy spent doing anything except towards the worship of G-d. We are to praise, and sing, but if it becomes work, we are to cease it.

We cannot spend on Shabbat, or even whip out a credit card, no checking the balance in your checkbook either. The responsibility of finances is halted over Shabbat--do not dread whether or not a bill was paid, today, instead try to stay away from anything that has to do with money. Do not worry about your bills today, do not spend or take any money today. Do not work for a living today. Do not pay anyone else's wages who works for you today, wait till Sunday.

Do not create today, even if you are an artist. If you are a writer, do not dare to pick up a pen and write. Do not even sign your name.

Do not listen to music today. If you must listen to music, make it the music of the Hebrew chanting, the songs we sing in Shuls on Shabbat. If you must listen to some kind of tune and are going crazy without a melody to soothe you, then listen to Classical music, a symphony, an opera.

Do not use electronics or email or use your computer on Shabbat. If you can turn off all lights, do not push the buttons in elevators today, and definitely do not create an email and send it today. If you must use your telephone today, confine your phone calls to only those who are closest to you, your closest family members and best friends only.

Do not cook or light a fire on Shabbat. Cook all your Shabbat meals on Friday and just warm them up in  a crockpot on Saturday. Make yourself a delicious cholent or just eat a Kiddush at your Shul and do not cook at all on Saturdays. Do not lift a knife to cut open an apple.

We can work to keep ourselves clean on Shabbat--taking showers and baths, washing dishes, cleaning off tabletops, and shining our shoes, clipping our nails, and brushing our hair. Ironing our clothes is permitted.

These simple rules will guarantee you a stress free day, so you can righteously say that you are resting and taking it easy, using all your energy to only praise G-d. It is a day G-d has chosen for His chosen ones, the Israelites, to take a break, to relax, to stop all the craziness of the weekdays.

The day is Saturday when G-d rested after creating the world. He has given us this day to feel rest too. Make use of the day to gain your depleted strength reserves and to rest them so they can rejuvenate, so you have strength on Sunday and all the other weekdays. Saturday should be the best day of your week. Socialize at a Shul, invite over friends, take a walk in a meadow, smell a flower today, go to the beach, take a walk in a park, go to a museum. Have fun and create a day to be remembered as the most peaceful day of your week.

Thursday, October 15, 2015


A wonderful autumn day to awake from deep REM sleep, an 8 hour sleeping night with no disturbances all night, to open one's eyes to her voice calling my name and I anticipate a good day because I remembered to thank G-d for waking me up and keeping me alive, as I said "Modeh Ani" just before touching my feet to the ground as I get out of bed. Then on automatic pilot, I chanted the Shema while putting my 3 Shin-shaped fingers to my forehead and closing my eyes--Shin means Shekinah. And Shekinah is the word for G-d. G-d knows I hold Him as my dearest beloved, because I only pray to him and hold no other lesser gods as dear. He is the only one--so because Elohim is powerful, the most powerful of all Gods, I feel His power and His power becomes my power. He is so powerful that He can protect me. He is a Sovereign, as the Almighty, much greater than just a friend, as others see their lesser gods being a friend. My G-d is Adonai, HASHEM, the G-d with 70 names. He is the one G-d above all other lesser gods and so I feel His incredible power and I feel shielded from life's difficulties, no matter how bad they are. His power, His love, His companionship, is all I need to get through a day. I am so glad I remember to thank Him day after day. I use the masculine form of He and Him, but G-d is neither male nor female--G-d transcends gender and is everything and all. G-d is the essence of being. The existence of everything. I am a part of everything because G-d created me to be. Again, and again, thank You G-d.

Thursday, October 1, 2015


Shaking a lulav to the east, west, north and south, above your head and below, to the right and to the left and in back. Also shake the lulav towards yourself and say the blessing for yourself to be protected, loved and do it to honor Adonai, HASHEM:The one and only G-d. Shake it 3x and gently but meaningfully squeeze the etrog after smelling its incredibly beautiful aroma! pointing the stem upwards, but then when handing the etrog over to another point the stem downwards, so s/he can have the pleasure of pointing it upwards again.

How grand it is to turn an etrog around in the palms of your hands: The holiest fruit on Earth. Shake it like you are shaking away all evil do-ers and oppressors, promoting social justice, and defeating those who do not honor human rights and choices and who instead take away dreams.

Shake your lulav/etrog like you really mean it, as if you are holding the whole wide world in your hands and this is the way you can change the world to make it  a better place for everyone to live.


Peace. This essay begins with peace and ends with peace. Peace, peace, peace. No fighting. No arguing. No violence. No hitting. Respecting everyone, no one stepping out of bounds. Everyone protected. Police defending victims. Adonai's great almighty arm coming down from a cloud wrapping itself tightly around me and holding me up as I stand up for Kaddish and Amidah. Legs not buckling because of lack of strength: she's holding me up. My enemies are cursed. Loud offensive voices are silenced. Hebrew chanting begins...

G-d coming down from the heavens to walk with me everywhere. Strangers in the night running the other way, no ghosts, no beggars, women safe to go out at night, fences firm, boundaries kept, rules obeyed. Safety everywhere, safety in one's home, love abounding everywhere, honoring and commemorating each other, holy days celebrated.

Security and locks. Keys that never get lost or misplaced. Doors that do not open unless you open them. Gates that keep out thieves. No one stealing. No need for revenge or punishment. No one to get revenge against. G-d takes care of it all.

Shalom envelops my entire being, my entire environment. Hebrew Worship Chanting resonates through my very bones, G-d is inside my body and soul.