Tuesday, August 30, 2016


Image result for keeping old friends

How to say "good bye" to someone when you do not want them to leave? Is "parting such sweet sorrow" or is it an abomination, to have losses and to mourn when someone you love is no longer there.

How many times in a lifetime must we bid someone adieu? Every time we hope to be with someone we love, but cannot be, we again take a blow to the gut, to yearn for someone's company but not to have it, to pray and keep up hopes to continue a relationship with someone you love, but to must take a loss, to face it that your love for them is deeper than their love for you.

To not be fooled into loving someone who cannot return your love. To protect yourself always with the Shield of David or Abraham and wear it so harm cannot come to hurt you. To break the lance in midair as it travels to spear you!

To pick yourself up again, after a loss, after a blow to the gut, to face it that a love did not materialize even though you wished it to, another time that good-byes are said, but to be strong enough to love again.

To have a "rock" in your life, a love that is forever, has permanency and never ends, a rock of persistency to always be there. To keep this love in your life and to continue to cherish it because you are the one who never says "good-bye." To have a love in your life, that you can proudly say is there consistently and will never end, because you are the one who never leaves.

Having this never-ending love to always be there for you, because you are there for them. "To make new friends but keep the old, one is silver and the other's gold."


Image result for LOCOMOTIVE POWER

Being the head train cab of a fast steaming locomotive, having someone pull your string as your horn honks as you speed on by, several train cars behind you using you as the example of their lives, to be the first train and to be the one who needs to stay on the tracks, all other cars being pulled along behind you, following your lead full steam ahead.

Being your own GPS, guided not by electronics but by Faith, knowing that this Faith of yours is what it takes to keep your train on track. Coal being fed into the locomotive in shovelfuls, white teeth that eat black coal, steel wheels beneath you spinning, screeching, never stopping to spin, having The Lord lead the train with your family all aboard, being the one who must stay alive to keep the wheels spinning and to lead all the other cars, to be a Matriarch of a family.

Not having the same reasons to live as the others, your impetus coming directly from up high, from the Heavens, being led along by the power of a searching spirit, spirit that empowers your soul, your guidance coming from a silver lining in a cloud that rains down train-power in torrents as you continue to chug along, day after day, long after all the others have quit, continuing to be the first car, riding everyday on a train with sparking steel wheels that never stop spinning.

Thursday, August 11, 2016


Music, sounds, the tapping of one's foot, having a consistency of sound, one sound after the other, speaking and getting a response, a timely response, hearing the sounds of crickets squeaking their legs together in the night as one would play a violin, sounds, an even flow, music that you can feel in your body, mind, heart, and soul, soprano, tenor and bass voices, mixed together like the batter of a birthday cake, spinning the beaters in the batter and getting sounds of song, licking the delicious cake batter off the spoon as each sound goes around and around in your mind and on your lips, having ears that hear this music, one sound and then predictably another, instinctively knowing what sounds come next, being able to feel the music as it vibrates your body strengthening your heart.

Hearing this music in someone's voice, as we are experts in song, having singing in our daily routine, being able to whisper musically into someone's ear to chase their fears away. Not putting someone in fear because you feel fear yourself, but instead comforting someone as you sing into their ears and they feel your peace and the beauty of your song, a lullaby as to a beautiful baby.

Having the word "Shalom" in your song which means peace, it also unfortunately means "good bye" but in our parting as we walk away from each other we leave each other in peace, because good bye also means to have peace, as you leave human company and then are in the presence of The One True Almighty G-d Who is your constant Friend, your constant Companion, as you are with Him when you feel peace. This peace you have when you are with Him, when you cannot be with your loved ones, cannot be with a Mother or Father, cannot feel the closeness of your Spouse, but instead you feel G-d as He takes their place when they are not there and He brings you peace.

Having this peace come to you in streams of music, musical instruments sounding beautifully, so you experience G-d in this music, in this Shalom, in the soothing words of someone's voice as they sing to you this music and their beautiful voice permeates your mind and heart causing them to function as a totality, as One, as you feel the One G-d in singularity but together with all of The People of Israel.

Having your intellect merge with your heart and in this great wisdom you get as a result, you find peace, you have Shalom, you have constant song, you have music and have the presence of G-d in your music, as He sings to you, whenever you need Him, whenever you desire Him.

Feeling the existence of G-d in music, in His voice, in Her voice, in Your voice, in Our voice.

Sunday, August 7, 2016


The evils of living alone, to be in a big house, to hear footsteps that you think you heard but are not sure, to wonder if someone is in your basement lurking there behind a door, to think there is someone there who is not, to not know if someone has a key to your house, to be afraid of every little thing, every sound.

Having evil surround you as there is no one there to share with, no one to give you a kind word, you strike out at others and try to instill this fear in them because you are yourself in constant fear, to have hatred come into your being, to be surrounded by spirits not by living people, to wonder why no one visits you, to count on your children as your only friends, to bite them viciously as you are alone even though you have them in your presence, to covet your children's lives, to wish they were living with you again as a family but this wish cannot come true, to hate your children as you live without them as their children live with them, to have jealousies for their activities, to be alone and have this aloneness cause you constant distress, to say the wrong words, words guided by the evils of aloneness, not to be able to bite your tongue before you say words to hurt someone.

The evils of living alone, wickedness will creep into your heart, it will overcome your heart and you will not be able to love.

Wednesday, August 3, 2016


The eating of the vegetable we call "Mushrooms" and why we eat them and how they affect our bodies and our health.

Mushrooms as being the fruit that grows on the ground, a veggie that grows wild and in abundance and can be found and picked.

Mushrooms that grow on tree bark and in between weeds, mushrooms that suck the nutrients out of other plants and grow like leaches in the earthly soil.

Mushrooms that can be purposely planted or randomly searched for and scooped out of the ground as what is called Houby Picking, the picking of mushrooms in Czeskia as a national tradition of this country.

Picking these Houby says the medical societies and eating them is a natural prevention of breast cancer. White mushrooms and brown mushrooms, eaten mixed with other veggies or fried as a snack, have the ingredients that are necessary to prevent breast cancer, having a lineage of generations of women in your heritage who never had breast cancer.

Mushrooms to slurp, mushrooms to suck on, mushrooms that are slippery and slimy, mushrooms that taste like meat but do not raise your cholesterol count.

Eating mushrooms as a Kosher food, a food we pray is healthy and from the Earth, a food that makes our bodies and minds healthy too. "...brei pri ha'adamah."