Friday, November 24, 2017


Image result for blessed to return to god

Returning to God, our Lord, as G-d or L-rd, or HaShem, or Adonai. The first syllable to speak or meditate on as a mantra or prayer, as the "B" sound, the second not first letter of the alphabet, why? We put G-d first, G-d as "A" as in Adonai, an alpha beta, but we pray on ourselves as second only to G-d, as in the "B" in Baruch, which means blessing. My first name also begins, as we see even the word "B"egins starts with a letter B, and as Beth or Batyah, Beth is significant to "B"eing (another letter B!) as we live and let others live, not to B an evergreen swayed in the wind with porcupine needles as also has a rose, not to stick anyone even when they think they are the Alpha Dog, and that the letter "A" represents them, and this is because they do not put the true Hebrew G-d first.

Amazing things happening all the time? If your answer is yes, this is the Hebrew G-d Who is your causation. But if you do not believe in the true G-d, then you have no one to thank for your beautiful life.

Surrounded instead by spirits, when we and you know we are not allowed to practice witchcraft, and then to say someone else (with a big nose) is the witch, so to say you are clean, and others are not. G-d will come to you if you are lucky and He will bless you, "B"less, yes, you guessed it, another B.

Blessed are you who return to Adonai.

Thursday, November 16, 2017


Image result for merry christmas happy hanukkah

What to do to stay clean? Not to shake the hand of a woman? To instead imagine this woman without clothing and to call this pureness. Where do germs cultivate and who is dirty and who is not? Water not with soap to chase away germs? Water to chase away evil, but you sin again and again. To know what is evil and what is not. To think you are so good and pure that you must separate yourself from the communities of the world in order to remain so-called "pure".

Segregation in stores targeting minorities and the rich, Christmas hype to cheapen the story of Christmas and combine the birth of Jesus with the purchasing of expensive gifts, diamonds and electronics, spend spend spend. Who is it who is telling us to spend? Shop owners of course. Spending and buying is not perpetrated by the Christians, but rather those who oppose the Christian religion to cause us to covet during this time of the year. Coveting what the next guy has that you don't. So, ask for it for Christmas, put it on your Christmas list? Buy it for less during this winter holiday season.

Not to shoot missiles in the form of gifts as is encouraged this time of the year. Know the true story of the birth of Jesus and not to introduce lies and hate.

Merry Christmas and Happy Chanukah.