Monday, April 11, 2016


"Nothing you have acquired is real unless you worked for it.
If you were born a nice guy, the niceness isn’t yours.
If you started off not so nice, and now you do a little better, that’s divine."

To show improvement: is what our lessons in The Torah are all about, to achieve a state of mind that you did not have before, to stop all inclinations of RAH, to stop uncleanness, to only flow purity from your mouth, to not have the "sour grapes" syndrome, to instead of returning a punch put up your hands in peace and call to the Divine to come in between you and the evil inclination, to return curses with blessings, to have a kiss for those who hate you, to soothe over another's coveting by giving them compliments on something that they have, to point out what good they have, that they needn't covet what you have.

To wipe off the unclean with words of purity, to speak of whiteness when they speak of blackness, to put up a shield against their dirt and look up to G-d to keep you clean of it. To tell someone you love them after they impose hurtful words, to speak of G-d when they have none, to try to include someone who is impure into your sphere so they too will desire purity. To try to wash off their stains with a smile and positive attention, to show them the way.

Yes, niceness is acquirable, it is a state of being we can all try to have, to jump into lake waters of 100% natural waters, to wash your hands before you speak, to brush your teeth before saying anything, to be in clean clothes, to not be deceitful, to have a song of G-d in your rhythm, to eat only kosher foods, to be cool headed without holding grudges and forgiving when others are hot and angry. To always be slow to anger and not to retaliate, to welcome the unclean, the lepers, into your heart so they too can feel cleanness through you.

To be thankful and respectful always of a parent, even if they too are unclean. To motivate them toward cleanness, towards the study of Torah, to try to include them in your prayers even if they are not of your same religion, to pray to the one G-d for everyone, to recognize that this G-d belongs to all and all can be of a benefit from your prayers to our Divine G-d.

To sing to G-d to keep someone alive, even when you see them sinking, to pray to keep them upright and to have cleanness and goodness, to have improvement even while others do not. To pray for a miracle, and to see it materialize into reality after all of your work.

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