Monday, April 4, 2016


Resting, being told not to rest, being told people who rest get fat, someone resting and telling another not to rest, being the one who rests when others are not resting, resting and forcing others to work for you while you are resting.

Resting being the time when G-d visits His beloved in their sleep. Being told not to rest so G-d does not visit you, condemning rest, hating the rested, being the one who rests and having others being envious of your rest.

Taking a nap after eating foods. Siesta time all over the world not just in Mexico. Having leisure time, time to sleep, time to celebrate, people who have confusion about resting, wanting to be the only one who is rested.

Equating laziness and slothfulness with rest. Being told not to rest and not being able to get sleep at night, body in full gear and not wanting to be lazy so never in a state of restfulness.

Being told resting is sinful. But knowing that rest heals the body and without rest the body is sick.

Standing while eating, being afraid to treat yourself to a chair when eating, having the body organs stressed out and churning, getting indigestion. Having food digestive illnesses: overweight, underweight, needing to swallow pills of Probiotics to ease the stomach as it tries to digest food in a state of unrest. Developing bulimia, not letting yourself swallow food, feeling that the body does not deserve food and does not deserve rest.

Healing yourself of all the misinformation and confused thinking. Laying down after a meal or sitting, always sitting while eating, eating all and only Kosher foods, being in with the spiritually good as you eat, eating to purify your soul, resting as you eat, not to get indigestion, not to suffer from bulimia, not to worry about foods, not to have anxiety when you eat.

To rest and to like to rest, to feel good about resting, not to tell others you are working when you are actually resting, to enjoy a rest, not to feel guilty because you rest, feeling G-d entering into your mind as you dream, getting a feeling of rejuvenation after a rest.

Resting on Shabbat. Carrying the feeling of Shabbat rest into your weekdays.

Resting and working, sleeping and being awake, eating and fasting, a time for all and to know when that time is, to feel in sync with the universe, not to feel guilty about when or where to rest, loving what your body tells you to do, being grateful that your body instructs you to sleep when you are tired, not to try to stay awake when your body tells you to sleep.

Not to change your body's commands by overdrinking coffee or tea.

Letting it all go, and letting G-d. G-d visits His beloved in their sleep.

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