Monday, April 4, 2016


Chametz: bread crumbs, bakery, cookies, pretzels, living breathing thinking mold, yeast that creeps and crawls, add a smidgeon of water to yeast and it comes alive, bread then thickens and pumps up in arrogance.

Dough, colored dough that could be green, eating my bread and being green with envy, bread crumbs that are old and are covered with green molds, biting into green mold, having it stain your teeth.

Bread eaten and digesting, converting into glucose sugars once inside the body, raising sugar levels, putting one at the risk of diabetes.

Bread, rice, and legumes, all evil. Rice that comes from rice fields from China, little grains of rice like grains of sand near an ocean that is filled with shellfish. A mealtime dish of shrimp shellfish over rice, not Kosher.

Cleaning inside the stove, cleaning around the stove, cleaning under the stove, burning up bread crumbs into ashes, a cremation, killing all evil, sweeping it away, getting it all out of the house. Selling it, making a profit.

Draping white cloths and paper over cleaned areas, an identification that it all has been cleared away, white cloths but not in a surrender, a white cloth to say it is pure.

Matzos as a substitute for bread. What we ate when we were on the run out of Egypt, leaving the evils of slavery, leaving the evils of the Egyptian gods, taking with us only the clothes on our backs, not to ever bow to a Golden Calf.

Bread being gone, out of sight for eight days. Eight days of no evil, eight days of peace.

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