Tuesday, August 30, 2016


Image result for LOCOMOTIVE POWER

Being the head train cab of a fast steaming locomotive, having someone pull your string as your horn honks as you speed on by, several train cars behind you using you as the example of their lives, to be the first train and to be the one who needs to stay on the tracks, all other cars being pulled along behind you, following your lead full steam ahead.

Being your own GPS, guided not by electronics but by Faith, knowing that this Faith of yours is what it takes to keep your train on track. Coal being fed into the locomotive in shovelfuls, white teeth that eat black coal, steel wheels beneath you spinning, screeching, never stopping to spin, having The Lord lead the train with your family all aboard, being the one who must stay alive to keep the wheels spinning and to lead all the other cars, to be a Matriarch of a family.

Not having the same reasons to live as the others, your impetus coming directly from up high, from the Heavens, being led along by the power of a searching spirit, spirit that empowers your soul, your guidance coming from a silver lining in a cloud that rains down train-power in torrents as you continue to chug along, day after day, long after all the others have quit, continuing to be the first car, riding everyday on a train with sparking steel wheels that never stop spinning.

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