Wednesday, August 3, 2016


The eating of the vegetable we call "Mushrooms" and why we eat them and how they affect our bodies and our health.

Mushrooms as being the fruit that grows on the ground, a veggie that grows wild and in abundance and can be found and picked.

Mushrooms that grow on tree bark and in between weeds, mushrooms that suck the nutrients out of other plants and grow like leaches in the earthly soil.

Mushrooms that can be purposely planted or randomly searched for and scooped out of the ground as what is called Houby Picking, the picking of mushrooms in Czeskia as a national tradition of this country.

Picking these Houby says the medical societies and eating them is a natural prevention of breast cancer. White mushrooms and brown mushrooms, eaten mixed with other veggies or fried as a snack, have the ingredients that are necessary to prevent breast cancer, having a lineage of generations of women in your heritage who never had breast cancer.

Mushrooms to slurp, mushrooms to suck on, mushrooms that are slippery and slimy, mushrooms that taste like meat but do not raise your cholesterol count.

Eating mushrooms as a Kosher food, a food we pray is healthy and from the Earth, a food that makes our bodies and minds healthy too. "...brei pri ha'adamah."

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