Thursday, October 1, 2015


Shaking a lulav to the east, west, north and south, above your head and below, to the right and to the left and in back. Also shake the lulav towards yourself and say the blessing for yourself to be protected, loved and do it to honor Adonai, HASHEM:The one and only G-d. Shake it 3x and gently but meaningfully squeeze the etrog after smelling its incredibly beautiful aroma! pointing the stem upwards, but then when handing the etrog over to another point the stem downwards, so s/he can have the pleasure of pointing it upwards again.

How grand it is to turn an etrog around in the palms of your hands: The holiest fruit on Earth. Shake it like you are shaking away all evil do-ers and oppressors, promoting social justice, and defeating those who do not honor human rights and choices and who instead take away dreams.

Shake your lulav/etrog like you really mean it, as if you are holding the whole wide world in your hands and this is the way you can change the world to make it  a better place for everyone to live.

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