Thursday, October 15, 2015


A wonderful autumn day to awake from deep REM sleep, an 8 hour sleeping night with no disturbances all night, to open one's eyes to her voice calling my name and I anticipate a good day because I remembered to thank G-d for waking me up and keeping me alive, as I said "Modeh Ani" just before touching my feet to the ground as I get out of bed. Then on automatic pilot, I chanted the Shema while putting my 3 Shin-shaped fingers to my forehead and closing my eyes--Shin means Shekinah. And Shekinah is the word for G-d. G-d knows I hold Him as my dearest beloved, because I only pray to him and hold no other lesser gods as dear. He is the only one--so because Elohim is powerful, the most powerful of all Gods, I feel His power and His power becomes my power. He is so powerful that He can protect me. He is a Sovereign, as the Almighty, much greater than just a friend, as others see their lesser gods being a friend. My G-d is Adonai, HASHEM, the G-d with 70 names. He is the one G-d above all other lesser gods and so I feel His incredible power and I feel shielded from life's difficulties, no matter how bad they are. His power, His love, His companionship, is all I need to get through a day. I am so glad I remember to thank Him day after day. I use the masculine form of He and Him, but G-d is neither male nor female--G-d transcends gender and is everything and all. G-d is the essence of being. The existence of everything. I am a part of everything because G-d created me to be. Again, and again, thank You G-d.

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