Monday, March 12, 2018


Image result for soda candy bars potato chips

What snacks do we love the best? Which treats? Can we live without chocolate? Why do we crave chocolate? Sugars and salts. Can we feel ourselves salivating as we think of them? Can we live without them? Should we live without them? Is there a limit and so we can eat them but under the limit?

High triglycerides from too much sugar, diabetes, diabetes type 2, high blood pressure from too much salt, potato chips, corn chips, Cheetos. How can we curb our appetite and not feel addicted to these carbohydrates. Can we eat just half a bag and give the other half away to someone as a gift? They eating less, only half, and you eating less, only half. Curbing one's appetite to eat only foods that are healthy.

Greens? Not just lettuce, but to eat spinach. Spinach the food of Pop Eye The Sailor Man!! See his muscles on his arms grow as he downs a whole can of spinach in one gulp!

To avoid diabetes. The shot of insulin is made from pork. Avoiding pork? Then avoid sugars so you do not get diabetes. Only one insulin medicine is made from non-pork foods. Most medical insurances do not pay for it. Avoiding gout, avoiding pricking your fingers of blood to determine the sugar level. Not to get your legs cut off. Sugar an enemy? If we eat sugars from fruits, is it the same as eating them from candy bars? Yes. When we eat sugars be sure to eat proteins like cheese at the same time. This companion of cheese to sugars lowers the A1C level.

Tired of eating foods that also decay your teeth? Do you floss everyday? Brush everyday? Not to eat hard foods like almonds that break your teeth in half! Keeping all your teeth including your wisdom teeth. Wiser with wisdom teeth? Richer with a gold covered filling.

To eat foods that your mother told you to eat. To believe in the "family recipe". To be the one in your family who has kept the recipes. Not to eat for enjoyment, but to eat Kosher foods to continue to feel holy. Noticed a difference in your souls between eating Kosher and not eating Kosher. The Torah is our source of being a recipe book. Ask Gd what it is that you should eat.

Passover is our next holy day. To eat matzos and bitter herbs. Foods that are Kosher and holy are not necessarily tasty. Feel your tummy filling up no matter which foods you eat. Kosher foods that relieve us of guilt as we pray to Gd for forgiveness of our transgressions.

To remember on Passover that we were once slaves to the Egyptians and to make sure that we will never be slaves again.

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