Sunday, October 2, 2016



In life, do we follow the desires of our heart and do what we "WANT" to do, or do we follow our intellect and mind and do what is instructed for us to do as it says in print in The Torah as our guide for good ethics?

If we see a fruit pie and it looks enticing and delicious, do we eat seven fruit pies because it is our desire or "want" to do this? Or do we follow the rules against gluttony as listed in our Holy Books?

If we are hurt by someone who abuses us physically or mentally, do we murder this person because we "want" revenge, or do we follow the Commandment in The Torah that instructs us not to murder?

If we see our neighbors just bought a new car, a beautiful expensive brand new vehicle, and has it parked in their driveway next to yours, do we then covet this new car? Do we covet because we "want" this car for our own? Do we then steal this car because we want to own it ourselves? Do we follow our heart and break good ethics listed in The Torah because we follow our heart losing control of our mind, instead giving in to our desires?

If The Torah commands us not to drink alcoholic beverages, do we instead drink ourselves into oblivion and even then drive a car and become the reason for a car accident and for the deaths of those who you hit with your car? Or do we follow our mind and good sense, our brain, and know that we cannot drink and drive, not only because it is the law, but because it is wrong ethically. We especially should not drink specifically because The Torah tells us not to drink.

So, if we all did what we "want" to do, instead of following government laws and Torah Commandments, we would be living in a Libertarian Society, a society with no rules to follow. Is a society without rules to follow more desirable than a society with rules?

If you become a victim of theft, breaking rules no longer seems so desirable. Instead you wish everyone would follow rules, so you would not have stolen property.

Do we do what we want to do? Do we follow someone's teachings if they instruct us to break The Torah and to do what we want to do instead of what must do? Do we follow what The Torah tells us to do?

Explicitly, YES. We follow the teachings as printed in The Torah at all times! We follow the specific Torah version of our chosen Jewish denomination as it is a choice which denomination you follow, you make this choice and you stick to the rules as printed in The Torah of your choice.

In The Proverbs, King Solomon tells us that "We are smarter than our elders because we follow our Lord's precepts."

Be the good example of righteousness for your elders and children and contemporaries, walk in the footsteps of The Lord following the intellect of your head, brain, and mind, and never giving in instead to the cravings and wants of your heart if they take you away from Torah.

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