Monday, September 12, 2016


Image result for hebrew mother emah
Having a relationship in your life to a Hebrew Mother, as we say in the Hebrew language, the Hebrew transliteration of the word Mother being EMAH.

To have EMAH floating in and out of your mind, like waves of water on a beach, Emah, Emah, Emah, using the long E sound same as in the name Elizabeth and Emanuel, having an Emah with her husband your Father Emanuel and given a name at birth Elizabeth that begins like Emah and Emanuel with a long E sound.

The letter "E" that begins Emah ends with Mah. as in English we say our Mothers are our Mahs. This M sound in Emah that is the sound a baby makes when suckling "M" Milk from her "M"other's breasts and the Milk being yummy as we say MMMMMMMmmmmm... good!

Sitting on a couch in the living room with a large window across from your Emah who is sitting in a blue upholstered chair across from you in a front room that used to have a window facing east, but this window was destroyed. There is no more eastern contact from any religion in this room as the G-D in that room died with the passing of Av, the husband of EMAH, the Hebrew word for Father being Av. Av also being the month on the lunar calendar of when our Father Av died, having the yarzeit date of Av 13.

But as his daughter like a ghost in the night, Elizabeth travels from room to room in that house, a  house that used to have no easterly direction, but now does, softly padding her bare feet on the living room carpet, showering in the shower in the basement very early in the morning, hygienically swishing tastefully with Listerine, listening to boom-box music in the basement bedroom, being again in that house with her Hebrew Mother Emah, suckling on "M"ilk but not "M"ixing it with "M"eat.

Being in constant "M"editation, whispering to oneself the Hebrew word for Mother which is EMAH over and over in your mind as a "M"antra, sitting up restfully and respectfully in an upright position on the living room couch in a living room across from her EMAH sitting in a chair feeling the warmth of sunshine from the window, being in total calm, as EMAH flows like warm water turning into warm Milk, a baby who was born with a full head of beautiful black curly hair, unmatched, suckling this EMAH Mother's Milk and getting Stronger and Stronger with every Swallow.

A Hebrew EMAH who nurtured her child Elizabeth to be the best person she could possibly be, a child "E"lizabeth, the daughter of "E"mah and "E"manuel, who grew up into womanhood after receiving The Priestly Blessing from a Rabbi, and she then became BATYAH, The Daughter of G-D.

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