Tuesday, July 5, 2016


Married men, hitched, hooked, cared for, nurtured, having a sweetheart at home, sharing the responsibilities of a household, earning money, childcare and childrearing, pushing the stroller when their wife tires, helping to change diapers, not deceiving of single women, not interested in a false relationship, Shabbats reserved for their wives and family, not to try to fool, having an important married relationship with legal boundaries, taking it seriously, not to cheat, sincerity withheld for one's wife and only for her, telling her she is special, not to have wandering eyes, a man and a wife who love each other, a man who loves his wife, a man who does not trick others, a man who does not wink except at children, a man who does not try to cause his wife worry, a man who takes the 613 Commandments in obedience, a man who reserves all his affections for his wife and children, a family man, a man who wants his children to succeed, a man who does not play around, a man who has no false intentions, a man who prays to G-d, a man who wants his children to have Bar/Bat Mitzvot, a man who reserves his commitment for his marriage, a man who wants a woman to succeed as his wife and she also feels the same way about him, a man who has integrity and nobility, a man who promises his wife and delivers his promises.

A man and woman, a husband and wife, who are one. Each being together as one unit in wholeness and both in love under One G-d.

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