Friday, July 8, 2016


"For the underlying purpose of all the contractions is to condense the light, in order to enable it to become enclothed within the vessels of the Ten Sefirot [of the World of Atzilut].
These “vessels” assume the specific form of wisdom or kindness. By contrast, the divine light that permeates these vessels is essentially simple. When, through tzimtzum, the vessels come into being and the light clothes itself within them and becomes fused with them, wisdom and kindness become one with G-d."
[, The Tanya]
A vessel, an external object, a cup to fill with water, this vessel cup to use pure water to wash one's hands. A vessel as a luxury being silver or gold. A vessel to scoop up running water, to hold it in your hands, to still moving waters, to take a firm hold of, to grip, to change the vessel from your left hand to your right, to have two handles one for each hand, to not just use water from a faucet, to not be lazy.

To have a vessel to convert running water into still water, into peaceful water, and to then move this water again out of the vessel at your command with the guidance of The Divine, pouring it lovingly over each hand like a waterfall in the wilderness that caresses the rocks below in rushing white water rapids.

A vessel that is the Torah Prophet Jonah's gourd, a vessel that is hollowed out, picked from a plant that provided shade, a vessel from green life, Jonah's gourd that he loved and cherished.
To touch water to every part of your hands, to include the wrists, to pray and recite the Hebrew blessing, to be thankful to G-d for His gift to you of clean hands, to feel love in your spirit after you clean your hands, to feel "chesed," to feel lovingkindness from this natural act. Water spilled two or three times over each hand to repeat this act that feels so good!

To learn from nature: To be like a beaver in his river: building a dam, washing his hands, and washing his food.
To raise your hands high above your head as you pray! To offer tasks to G-d from clean hands, to have a clean spirit, to be able to love and to give without deceit, with cleanliness, with purity of heart, with good intentions.

Clean hands; clean heart; clean spirit.

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