Sunday, January 7, 2018


Image result for heart attack

Ever had a chest pain and you did not know if it was serious or not? Wondered if it was a heart attack or just a pulled muscle in the chest area?

If a muscle pulls in the chest area, and it is a sharp pain, not a dull ache, it probably is not a heart attack. What to do anyway just in case, to make positively sure that if it could indeed be a heart attack, you must swallow aspirin immediately. If you have baby aspirin take two.

What else could it be if you have pains in the chest? Maybe not to be a heart attack, because real heart attacks cause pain in the shoulders, upper back and down the arms.

It could be reflux, heartburn, in which case you could take meds for it, so it does not shoot pains into your esophagus and cause you to vomit.

Chest pains can be caused by stress, anxiety, and not be heart related, but instead be caused by excessive worry. In this case, calm down, get rest immediately.

Should you go to the ER every time you get a chest pain? When you feel the pain in your arms and shoulders, go immediately to the ER.

If you are driving and get chest pains, pull over to the side of the road and stop driving. Wait for the pains to subside and then drive home, go straight to bed, and sleep it off.

Eat right and exercise is what the doctors say is the cure for heart disease. Lower healthy blood pressure on a low salt diet, healthy cholesterol level with less meat. Daily walks. Not to need to run at an older age, walking in fresh air instead and eating plenty of greens.

Change your fate. Take a potential heart attack and cure it, cures of love to ease your heart, love for everyone, love even for those who are your adversaries, for as says in The Psalms, "They will soon wither away like yellow grass and disappear".

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