Tuesday, October 10, 2017


Image result for bull fight

To be in a search for the answer to a question, a quest for the answer of a quest-shun.

What is a quest-shun? Is it a question you are not supposed to ask, if in asking the question you get shunned, kicked in a shin to then be shunned?

If you ask a question of someone, you are admitting you do not know the answer, to be told you should already have known the answer that it was not right for you to ask and admit your ignorance to be in search for the truth. People pretending they know what it is that you want to know from them, when there is no real answer and the truth is not there.

Secrets, as secretions of spittle, not advantageous for you to understand. To feel pureness because of a lack of confusion, knowing real wisdom instead.

Never to have taken a bite of the apple. To then find out it was not an apple that Eve (really Ava) who tempted Adam to eat, it was instead a pomegranate. To read about embroidered pomegranates on robes, tunics, of Jewish Priests. Knowing that if you bite into the whiteness of a pomegranate, you are biting into extreme bitterness. To want this bitterness? To eat horseradish or a spicy pepper? Foods someone says are good but are really not.

To eat blueberries because they are blue or raspberries because they are red. To fight in baseball games as the Red Cardinals over the Blue Cubbies. To wonder why grown men in football seek to tumble their opponents to cause them injury and to chase a leather ball because it is no longer made of pigskin. A football a baby, a baby cradled in one's arms to smash on the ground when you make a touchdown.

A way to find out truths but to discern a real truth that is not a lie.

To feel God in one's body between your shoulders on your upper back. Being in a bullfight to stab a bull between his shoulders. To wave a red cape to incite the bull, to be a winner in Spain and Mexico as a male bull dies. To pray for forgiveness in this cold blooded murder, to then must do it again and again. It being called your occupation, a way to earn a living.

To happily semi-retire to feed a bull instead of killing it.

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