Wednesday, August 9, 2017


Image result for not to fear fear itself

What is it that you fear? Do you fear thunderstorms, lightening, flooding, falling, slipping on ice and snow, your funding to stop? Having no income, losing property, humiliation in a crowd, the death of your favorite relatives, the fuel you count on not being there anymore? Do you fear your location of your residence to change into the undesirable?

All these fears are fueled by a belief in God. To fear or not to fear, that is the question.

Can love overcome fear, and is this state of love something that we need and want. Fear of change, fear of the unknown becoming knowable. The sameness of everyday as a comforter, the same occupation, the same job, the same tasks, the same radio stations, the same TV programs.

Can this sameness chase away unwanted fears?

Let it happen, not to be a change blocker, feel the stimulation and appreciate it. Be thankful for a change, look forward to it. Swallow it deep down into your throat like iced tea on a hot summer day.

Thank God for everything He gives you, the new and the old, the struggles and the easiness, the wishes come true, the time to try again and then again.

Feel His graciousness and mercy, His loving-kindness, His truths, His justice.

God is good God is great, let us thank Him for everything.

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