Wednesday, May 18, 2016


To use words in phone conversations that are listening words like "uh huh" or "interesting" or "tell me more," to convey a nodding of the head so people feel heard, to also see leaves nodding in unison on trees as they move together in the same flow of the wind, to nod like the leaves, to learn from nature.

To not reply to a cry of need with silence, to be a listener but also to reply, to not act as if you are superior to others or above others in a loftier position on a throne that looks down on them.

To not remove your physical presence from another so he misses it, do not talk to one person and leave another out, to not ignore someone as a weapon.

Do not throw in another's face and say to them what you own that they do not, do not tempt someone to covet by being a braggart of what you have that they do not.

Do not tighten your lips when someone wants your words.

Do not use others as scapegoats and claim they are the reason for all your problems.

Do not be negative and talk of that which is unpleasant, do not say to someone that "it could be worse."

Do not act as a giver but in reality to give nothing.

Do not force dependency on someone. Do not act as a lifeline and then remove your nurturing, do not be two-faced, do not act like a saint when you have no intentions of following through with any actions of kindness.

Do not try to remove another's abilities to give, do not force another to just take. Do not think you have more than another and that he has less.

Do not worship the rich and famous, do not try to befriend the rich and famous just because they are rich and famous. Do not think this friendship somehow enhances who you are.

Finding out a secret but not gossiping, not slandering, not to talk about other's problems, to not say they are problematic and that you are not.

Not to lie to save face, not to try to hide truth because of shame, to trust in others and have acceptance, to be able to be open, to not trust someone again and again who has again and again bitten you in the past. To know your friends from your enemies. To not cry on another's shoulders when he does not care, to instead befriend someone who cannot gain from your defeats, to not be in neediness of others, to help yourself, to talk to G-d, to ask G-d for help.

To drink when you thirst and to ask others to help you find your water, to remember Moses as he struck the rock twice and brought forth water for the thirsty but did not rely on G-d to provide it when G-d told him He would. To rely on G-d and not be a "Doubting Thomas."

To drink as much water as you wish and to always drink more water, to take a gift but not to look a gift horse in the mouth, to never have a parched dry throat.

To not feed the birds when you yourself are hungry. To not then brag about feeding a bird when you did not feed yourself. To not act and pretend you are in money but have none to lend, to not act in one way but be hypocritical and actually do things another way.

To go with the flow and to be rained upon by cool refreshing waterfalls, to feel water as free manna when there is dryness, to taste your tongue and its wetness, to jump into a sea of lake water when it is yours to enjoy.

To enjoy it again and again.

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