Tuesday, February 16, 2016


"Three things you must know to be an adult:
• Don’t fool yourself.
• Don’t fool others.
• Don’t let others fool you.
—and do it all without trying to impress anybody."
Rabbi Shalom DovBer of Lubavitch, to his son before his bar mitzvah. Sefer Ha'Sichot 5704
First of all, do not fool yourself. Convincing yourself, making up lies to follow for yourself, changing reality as you see it so you can be happy with your lot, fooling around like a fool not having a place not having a reason to be, putting on a mask that is actually transparent but not to you, laughing at other's misfortunes when your misfortunes are greater, not being able to do things but lying and saying you are, saying to others to fool them that you are endowed in great financial fortune, lies attracting people like bees to honey, finding out that there is no honey, not generous because you cannot financially afford it, saying you are rich to others to fool them that you are generous, the poor man is hated even by other poor people, poor people have no friends, poor people are despised even by their neighbors.

Trying to impress someone, lying and putting on a painted face, paint over the face but with obvious skin showing through, having small unimpressive eyes, using eye make-up to fool others into thinking you have big beautiful eyes.

Knowing the truths and not believing lies. People who cannot see and not knowing Braille, saying they can see and then never learning. People not seeing and so not believing. If you can see it you can believe it. Laughing at someone who is in greater health than you are, saying you are in greater health than they. Having bad experiences, denying them and pretending a life of innocence, not healing from the experiences.

Feeling a pain in your head vanishing as you connect with someone who shows concern. Only a fool acts like a fool. Foolishly pretending you are someone who you are not. Foolishly being arrogant but having nothing and having no one. Hiding truths, disobeying and disrespecting others, trying to stay afloat in a pirate ship war where the other boats point their canons at you. Not shooting first and staying afloat.

Steering clear of those who try to fool you, not being fooled, not fooling yourself. Enjoying all that comes your way as you deserve it and others do not, biting into a big juicy apple when cannot share it, having apples when others do not, others trying to have apples too, wanting to take your apple away.

Foolishly trying to be the apple of someone's eye even when they do not like apples and have no eyes.  

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