Monday, October 28, 2019


How to become creatively inspired? What can we do or think about to feel in order to feel inspired, lit up like a light, a light bulb over one's head, an idea a sip away lightened beaming brilliance becoming a genius a thinker a feeler emotionally savvy understanding of new ideas wonderment, life as like a theatrical movie, out with the old and in with the new. 

How to be a new man with new ideas, not to be a mimic copying the works of other people, people who existed in history instead for you to wake up to have originality. Can you think "big" without being arrogant? Without being overly consumed in self-pride? To love others not just yourself? To help those in need if indeed they are truly in need and to show them love not just affection. What will this affection do for them when what they need is a sandwich luncheon with bottled water and chips from someone with a good not bad heart. To offer these poorer people tickets for free to the symphony, not to be phony instead to call them up on their phone. 

Let people know that you love them. Do not be afraid of real love. To love something as simple as a quill a ball point pen or a simple pebble a grain of salt a stone you find on the beach! Use idols that encourage this love not to abandon them to not even try out how they make you feel. To feel love because someone loves you and you love someone, even as simple as to begin with a quill. 

To be Scrooge who during Christmas time who purchased his employee a goose to eat and to give Tiny Tim his disabled son a chance for a good life, not to withhold money or food from your employees, to awaken like Scrooge as a new man, in a new world, with true love and generosity speaking words of the truth not deceit.

Friday, October 25, 2019


Do you get a feeling of dizziness as an allergic reaction to touching money coin change or store receipts or store plastic bags? A dizzy vertigo reaction upon touch. What to do about this and how to treat it with over-the-counter medicines. How? Do not use a medicine at all. 

To treat this dizziness on the spot, use a hand lotion or hand wash soap that has the ingredient of Cetyl Alcohol in it. Just a dab will do yah. Look at the ingredients of the soaps and hand lotions you have or are sold at the stores and see if this Cetyl Alcohol is listed in the additives. If it is, use it every time you get this allergic dizzy reaction, the dizziness will cease and go away. 

Carry this lotion in your pocket, or purse, to use instantly, use it to smooth the skin of your hands, to wash your hands to cure the allergic dizzy reaction. 

You'll be surprised how good you feel after treating yourself with this loving care.

Thursday, October 24, 2019


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Pizza. How and why do we love this food pizza and our memories of eating it cause us to crave it and want more, pizza slice after pizza slice. What is in this pizza as the chef throws the dough into the air to stretch the crust and cause it to become rounded circle circulated, become thick or thin crust as it stretches, catching it in midair putting it onto a large spatula into the red hot fierceness of fires and brim stones of a sooty smokey oven, sparks and spits black charcoals live wires sticky smooth creamy tart tomato sauce, pieces of meat or remaining vegan, vegetables, even to try anchovies a spicy fish in the tomato mixture little mouthfuls of pizzazz, a hot spicy flare of taste. A good taste that tastes good.

A round sharp knife rotated to cut the pieces it rolls over the cheesy dough and segments it into triangles or squares, whichever you prefer. 

But if you are eating a vegan or kosher diet, beware under the sauce and cheese, there could be pieces of pork, that you cannot see from the top, pork bacon and you've just bitten into it and now have a mouthful of a forbidden not kosher meat. First, uncover the dough of a piece of the top cheese and check for this pork meat. It could be there hidden. There are chefs who use pork bacon bits and put it under the cheese. 

It is not enough to ask if a pizza is kosher or not. Since it is a meat product whether the meat is kosher meat or not, the meat must not be combined with a dairy, the cheese. In a kosher diet we cannot mix milk products with meat products. The cheese can be eaten directly after the meat, but not before or during. And not to eat the meat and dairy simultaneously. If milk is ingested you must wait four hours before eating the meat.

Know what you are eating consume only what is good for your digestive system, your soul your religious choices and the goodness sweetness of your humanly heart. An honest pizza please is all we ask for.

Sunday, October 13, 2019


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The Halloween Pagan holiday after Sukkot the Jewish Holiday. What about these scary spirits. They come to you and knock on your door. What to do about real spirits when they cannot remain buried, always to keep you harried. A coffin closed door opening, a creaking sound, a slamming of the coffin door, a door at all? There is the Shabbat Bride who is at your Sanctuary Door, but she is not spooky, she is beautiful. The Sukkot holy days to be days of beautiful Jewish women with their husbands in our present and in our past.

Out of doors this Sukkah is created, to sit in it as we feel the cool dew of the outdoors on our faces, moisture on our hands, a sweet time eating Challah, Rosh Ha' Shannah Jewish new year sweetie foods: caramel and peanut taffy apples on a stick, caramel corn like popped corn except not salty, it is sweet. A shot of Scotch or a sip of sweet heart red Kosher wine, Blue Moon beer. The goodness of good liquor spirits. Good spirits not scary with us in our Sukkahs like i.e. Moses, Miriam, Aaron, Abraham, Sarah, Isaac, Jacob, Joseph, Rebecca, Rachel, Leah, Esther, Hannah, Ruth. 

A musical instrument a piccolo or a flute to pick up and to play our favorite songs, songs from our worship Siddur prayer books singing soulfully as we play our instruments. Tropes in songs with the endings of words that increase to soprano into a one two three-Yah! How to deal with this constant three? Yah, it is one two three-Yah!

How many Gods are there? One. Yah! Who is God? Yah!

Sit back now and relax on your easy chair, invite family and friends into your outdoor Sukkah. Do you have a new pal who resembles a vampire? Ask her into your tent Sukkah and laugh about ol' times. Her teeth to be shining white brilliant none missing. She has all her teeth including her wisdom teeth! Ask her for a word of wisdom. 

Break open a jar of honey, sweetie honey that you can both swallow, to stay compassionate, affectionate, fondness, appreciative really wonderful. Is there someone under the weather? How 'bout a bowl of chicken noodle soup? If not, how 'bout a bowl of matzos ball soup. Apple cider? Apple juice as a substitute for grape juice to pray at our Shabbat Torah worship services. No rain yet? Sleep overnight in your Sukkah and enjoy!

What to enjoy? Enjoy the Fall fallen leaves during the times of Awe in autumn. Red leaves, golden, green, yellow, leaves of crispy consistency. Put a red leaf into your book as a bookmark and then send it into a letter for your sweetie to behold, beloved, blessed, real live leaves. Promise me never to leave. Who? God.

Friday, October 11, 2019


Image result for corned beef on rye

To be Fall in a warmer weather climate, is it Fall season or is it called autumn? Do we claim "awe" or do we claim not to tumble in a fall during the Fall.

To have superior genetics to stand up tall, Czech "sokol" gymnastics in the Fall not to take a fall, not to fall down, to look upwards to feel the warmth of the sun and also to look downwards to feel humility, easiness a feeling of truth and sincerity, a bow before the Lord. How many Gods are there? There is One. Will this ever change? No.

To not trip on a red brick falling backwards or fall because you're not holding onto a wall. A yellow wall? It's mellow. Stands tall. To remain standing, to take a stand, to have an orchestral band playing sweet music in your head, davening, chanting, peacefulness, soundness, also to see beauty, to have a beau who is a partner beau that means beautiful. 

To where do you and she travel to? To a place we've been before, a place of familiarity, to remember old sights, to dance in a forest, to feel the coolness of running water, streams, rivers, white water rapids rafting. To be like Tarzan to fly from tree to tree, three to three? If you are strong enough, otherwise rest in the number One. If there is One number the easier your life will be, soothing as after a back massage, what is the message not to miss?  Yellow mustard and corned beef on rye bread. Carrot sticks.

Monday, October 7, 2019


A new and different Halloween costume? Lots of ideas from children's books in libraries children's departments, looking on shelves of Celebrate and Party Stores. Can you come up with an idea of your own? What type of character did do you always want to become? 

A Push-Me Pull-You. A horse with two heads one on you and one on your husband's head, like Siamese Twins. A horse or a cowboy? A cowgirl. A black and white Zebra? Paint your face in black and white stripes. As a horse to have a bushy shaggy tail, to swing back and forth, to have a lion's mane or tiger's green eyes. To use black lipstick to smear on your lips. To add a drop of an aromatic oil to underneath your ears.

To be a Hercules, the strongest man in the world to add padding over your arms, strong full comfy muscles, the Greek God, to be Medusa, the Greek Goddess to braid your hair in tiny snake-like braids to flip flop on top of your head shake your head and we will watch the braids fly like nighttime bats. 

Places to go in these costumes, uniforms. The richer the neighborhood the more pleasing the candy. A doctors' neighborhood. A place to find a trick or a treat. 

The costume of a witch with her flying broomstick, a dog in a basket on the back of her bike. Tonto. A gypsy with long beaded necklaces and bracelets, scarves all over her shoulders, neck and head. A long bouncy skirt. To be a Mr. Fred Flint Stone and his wife Wilma to be dressed in tiger red stripes on long garments as in The Flint Stones on TV. 

Halloween is a fun time for everyone, trick or treat? Knock three times on the front door, and I will let you in. The password? The number three. 

The Adam's Family. Frankenstein. Vampires. Werewolves, Ghosts. A razor blade in an apple? Rat poison dusting a candy bar unwrapped and then wrapped again. A cookie chocolate chip and cyanide put in the dough the batter for the badder. 

Enjoy your Halloween! Lots of delicious snacks!

Thursday, September 19, 2019

3 X 3 = 9

In Jewish ritual law, there is a rule that ten Jews must be present in order to recite the Kaddish the prayer for the dead. However if you have nine people you need only the Torah scroll itself to count as the tenth member. If there is no Torah scroll or not a tenth person member, only nine individuals, then the Kaddish cannot be recited. 

The Minnesota Temple's Scrolls were saved first not to even save the people themselves the scrolls were considered more important than the people. The pics uploaded of this burning of the synagogue show the police saving the scrolls, as if the scrolls were human. Women are not allowed to pray from the scrolls or even be near them. Women are also segregated at the Western Wall in Herusalem. 

So how can we deal with this and do something about it? Missionaries are knocking on doors everywhere every day, to bring the good word to the households of these domestic housewives who do nothing but cleaning and cooking all day, an existence of the wicked, "Boil Boil Toil and Trouble". 

Find a good neighborhood buy a farm a farmhouse a barn a garden horses, cows, sell cow's milk, raise animals have a family love your family do charity good deeds for those who know not.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019


Image result for make new friends but keep the old

New vs. old, is old bad and new good? Elderly people are old and this does not mean they are bad, old age to be respected, loved, the elderly to be honored they to come first before all others. The elderly to have wisdom a lifetime long of information to give to us, to impart words of wisdom, to be smart intelligent intellectual, worldly well traveled, to know alot, not to be dumb, not be mistreated, not to treat them like children. 

What is new? A newborn baby is new, a new song is new as ordered to sing this new song by The Psalms. A new car is new, safer than an old car. A new electronic computer system is new, new brands new companies, the Apple company being new and old the first computer system ever to be. An apple freshly picked off a fruit tree is new not old. An apple being red, well-read, reading books writing books, ideas new not old not copied not mimicked to be original. 

Newness, freshness, not imagined, reality, scientific, scientific Breaking News. Backwards NEW spells "wen". What is wen? With an H it spells wHen and jon with an H spells John. For Elizabeth to have given birth to a son named John. Or Johnny, there is Johnny Apple Seed a friend to feed to be fed to eat later again. 

Make new friends but keep the old. One is silver and the other's gold.

Friday, September 13, 2019


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The birds or the bees, I'll take both of them, please. A bee she be's a stinging tail end, a bird she flies like butterflies not removed from her nest her children flying free a bird a butterfly a graceful orange and black Butterfly, an English Monarch to land on a Pointsettia plant red and gold Pointy green leaves. Here a point, there a point, everywhere a point point, yeah Uncle Sam wants You! 

New house, new wife, new job, newly-married, all no longer applies. Really? Yeah. Olden oxen donkeys, no more, a freeze. A man who says he is too good to go to war should be the one to go first. 

Get up get out yeah lazy lout, get into your working clothes. Drafted into war, not white splashing rafting river rapids, drafting for the fearful as well as the brave, a house no longer to pay mortgage, reverse mortgage on the house garage instead. 

It is not fair to allow some to fight but not others, unless you are disabled, this should be the only ticket to ride, glad you came to your senses and yah complied. 

Thursday, September 12, 2019


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Let bye gones be bye gones, to sorrowfully must to say good bye, live and let live, to must swallow your pride as the truth unveils and your face is seen, not shining after all, not a keen sheen an orange tint after gorging on a breakfast sweet potato treat but not truly feeling sweet, lips of peeling white skin leprosy, she said it's cuz of drinking gin. Only a human after all, a wizard of Oz not, no lie. A steriod here, a steroid there, devoid of love, licorice to lick, clean up the mess. 

A bye gone that means you will be gone, say to me good-bye, a song to never die. Our Father who art in Heaven, hearing angels singing real angels a song without words, a bassoon a bass a harp not to harp not a harpy. A trope? Nope, I know the words I'm not a dope. 

A tornado here a hurricane there, canoeing on white water rapids as if none of it were there. A paddle in a puddle to stomp as you sing a new song a happy song not a song as a waddle in a mud puddle. Mud pies in a store to try to sell as your fingers blister in Hell. Petroleum jelly not jam, your fingers in jars jammed.

To read savvy Shakespeare as he writes: "Romeo where art thou Romeo?" A love story of a Juliet and a Romeo never to part apart, in death do they part? Not to be a part of those whose death has no Heaven, change your playmates and your playground to see to opt Heaven no thirst or hunger asunder, bliss bliss-fulness, rainstorm thunder yonder. 

Delicious manna magically grown in Heaven (not reincarnation) sugar cane truthfulness scrumptious swallowed sweetness Sweet Hearts, chocolate Yankee Doodle Dandy, read and see the play Shakespeare snack on candy!

Friday, August 23, 2019


Image result for rabbi davening

Whichever way you look at it, Fear and Love or backwards, Love and Fear, it is an experience of high emotional feeling, all the six senses are active, the hormones secretions from the glands escalate, you be in a tizzy of passion, desire, bent over in a bow, and "kneeling three times a day" as is required, it so says in The Chumash, Jewish Bible. 

There are three Festivals we must attend at a Temple per year: Three??? Yes, three: Shavuot, Passover, Sukkot. Three? Dial the number three anytime during this message. How can we change the number three into a friend? Capitalize it: THREE. And use the numerical system: 3. The letter 3, is E turned backwards. E as in Equation. E as in Equal. E as in Excitement. E as in EL. EL being a way to say God.

What is LOVE? Love is belovedness, sweetness, care and concern, a kiss, holding hands, shaking the hands of a fellow, a high five, building a snowman with the kids, an Eskimo fort, buying a new dog from the shelter, feeding the birds, Red Cardinals, Bluebirds, a birdbath for them both to meet. Eating blueberries in one's oatmeal. Going to a spa with your friends. Love is goodness and GREATNESS. As GREATNESS, love is affection. To be fond of someone. To be proud of your kids. To be selfless in your love for your family. To take your high school graduate to different colleges for him to choose where he would like to study. A University of IL in the south farmlands, and also a sister-school University of IL in the big city of Chicago. 

So, then we're with you. Then what is FEAR? Fear is Halloween! Comes once a year. A pagan holiday, to be approached by an AIDS victim in his sexual pursuit. This is real FEAR. To must fight for your life if a beggar/thief demands your purse. This is fear, yes, to lose your cellphone, to have someone use it when you no longer have it and they dial out of the country, and it goes on your bill. To must leave your home because your boyfriend is abusing you domestically. To need the safety of a Shelter for the Abused, to eat their pig slop everyday, to have excruciating pains in one's stomach. To sleep at night with a bowl of rat poison "food", next to one's pillow. To be chosen as the one there who brings all the garbage (ten bags) to the dumpster to compress it. Large black plastic garbage bags. To try as you might to get out of there. To find another place to live. Not to end up in a jail, a prison, for stealing a loaf of bread, there to sleep on a cot, with a smelly never-cleaned toilet bowl at your headrest. 

If we say we love and fear our Lord, we are sated, it is not like loving or fearing others in other situations when the love may not be returned. The Lord loves and fears us back, so we always have requited emotions, His emotion for us to mimic and we can choose which one, love or fear, in which of these mind states we would like to be.

To have the help of beautiful sing-song Hebrew language words, straight from The Torah, living Words with melodic tropes. Hebrew words we like as we pray and meditate, so these words bring us the love we need as we use them to speak love to God. 

Words like what? Mercy, lovingkindness, strength, understanding, truth, beauty, charity, compassion, empathy, sympathy, honorableness, dignity, appreciation, thankfulness, meditation, mega-thinking, prophesy, mental telepathy, prayer, blessing, philosophy, highly powered hearing, speaking, singing, chanting. 

The use of these afore-mentioned words to be sung in song, to be chanted with other members of one's Minyan (Jewish prayer group), to feel the love and courage of one's Rabbi and other minyan members, to feel the almighty power of the LOVE and FEAR of our Sovereign. Our LORD. To love God in return.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019


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Mourning? No, morning. A GOOD morning. How can we capitalize GOOD, without a GOD? Are there churches without a God? Yes, there is the Unitarian Church whose members don't worship a God, instead they are politically active and do social reform. So, yes, good, but not GREAT.

"Tom and Jerry" a cat and a mouse, watching this cat catch this mouse on TV. In a high chair, yellow upholstered, high off the ground. 

Like to be in a theater, to watch Gilligan's Island. A Skipper who is fat and a young man who is childlike, he is Gilligan, always tripping up. A rich man and his wife, an actress, a small ship that did not sink, but crashed on a desert island. No one, not a plane or bird, yes! It's Superman! Clark Kent. Used to be, now he's saving lives. All the Commandments of the Torah may be broken if a life is at stake, to break the rules if it saves a life. So CPR? Bringing the dead back to life? Yes, it is legal.

Mommy! Is there anything to eat? Gerber's baby foods, in a glass (purified) jar with a turning metal lid popped airtight, to have a little kids' Sterling silver spoon, to chase it like an airplane or bird as it flies into your open mouth. Begging Mommy like a birdie. The newborn birds of a Cardinal's nest, to watch the male Cardinal colorful feed his mate a female Cardinal muted colors, butterflies flitting everywhere, white, yellow, red and black Monarchs, dragonflies. Flying on by, not to chase you, nothing to fear. 

A Huge Monstrous Ape Man Gorilla. But not a Megillah Gorilla. Why not a Megillah? Because there are no such things as ghosts. Really? Yes, ghosts cannot be proven scientifically. But we like them so we want to keep them? Sure. An imagination? Yes, scientifically some brains are keener than other brains, and have greater imaginary powers, more ghosts and thus more creativity.

To keep a Higher Power, then? Purposely to do social reform, to research the sciences? But also to have ghosts? Okay. Flying as high as our Higher Power, sliding down Jacob's Ladder. Four chair legs, not three. But we like three!!! So be it, then just call me "ME".

Thursday, August 8, 2019


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What are you wearing today? Do you pick out a new clothing outfit everyday? Do you wear the same clothes, a uniform everyday? The Torah says that the same clothes worn everyday instills fear into the viewer of these same clothes. A police officer or courtroom judge? Someone who wears the same clothes everyday whom you fear?

The color of clothes? The Torah says that blue, purple and red-dyed wool are the clothes' colors of the Priests of olden times. Yes, red. There is a red color called Crimson Red, which is like a reddish hot pink in a deep red color. This red was worn by Jewish Priests, red is an ancient color (and is not only a Christian color), Jews wore red before there were any such people as Christians. We wore red in BCE. Before Common Era and now in CE Common Era.

This purple? The Proverbs by King Solomon, son of King David, encourage women to wear the color purple everyday. We also can wear white everyday. Hence, the white uniforms of doctors and nurses. White, celibacy, holiness, the saving of lives in Medical Science. A pharmacist's white clothing, he helps you by giving you your medicine. The 6 pointed star of the security guard, worn on all their clothing everyday pinned to their chest.

Blue? There was a snail in olden times that secreted a blue dye color. There were farms of these snails, that is where the blue color was manufactured in BCE. These snails are now extinct. The sky is a beautiful blue, the oceans, waters are a gorgeous blue, the throne of our Lord is a Sapphire blue and gold, there is navy blue in our USA flags we fly as we fight across the blue seas in defense of our country, our legal rights, to keep our flag flying as we continue to live and fight those who are against us.

We have a combination of types of threads, the material in our clothing that is called Sha'atnez. Sha'atnez is a Hebrew transliteration of a word that means a mixture of lamb's wool and linen together in one garment of clothing. This combo is against the rules of Judaism, not to be worn, except by the Priests. The Kohen and Levi Priests. To check the materials of the clothing you buy, to make sure it is not a combo of linen and wool.

All the colors of the rainbow? Sure! Why not! In a prayer shawl? Beautiful! More power to you. How lovely, how wonderful! 

Monday, August 5, 2019


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To get to know a Rabbi, to be a member of a synagogue with a Rabbi. What are we expected to follow, is there a special protocol to obey as we become close, in good standing with our Rabbi at our Temple? What does he expect from you and what can you expect from him. And why?

In the Mishnah Torah, written by Rabbi Maimonides, it says never to turn your back on a Rabbi even when just walking away, to step backwards, not to ever give your Rabbi your back. I spoke to a Rabbi concerning this Maimonides rule, and she said it was excessive. That she would never mind if someone walked away from her. But, I understand the reasoning for his statement. To always protect, obey, respect, honor, and trust your Rabbi, not to turn away your heart from his words, his design for you as his pupil. A Torah student, a pupil of the Torah, the deep pupils of a Rabbi's eyes. Never to betray him.

To give your Rabbi a gift? How sweet! Some gift for him and his wife, his wife who we call our Rebbitzen. But, to ask first if they want it, so you are not giving them something they cannot use or do not want. To bestow an object of great beauty for them, maybe a book? Maybe some jewelry? Are you an artist? Can you paint them a picture? Write them a poem? Some thing they both would appreciate and adore. 

If not to directly give the Rabbi a gift, but to donate money towards the operating expenses of the Temple building. To donate this money in Honor of the Rabbi and Rebbitzen. 

To ask your Rabbi to perform funeral services or a Bar/Bat Mitzvah for your loved ones. A wedding? To have a beautiful wedding under a canopy in a park garden or in a Temple. 

To have a Naming Celebration for your new born girl baby. To have a Brit Mila, [circumcize] your baby boy, eight days after he is born. 

To ask a Rabbi to give you "The Priestly Blessing" in front of the congregation on a Friday Shabbat evening. To look deeply constantly into his dark peaceful brown eyes as he holds your shoulders and recites the blessing, as God goes into your souls as his eyes penetrate yours, captivated. To listen to him speak his beautiful Hebrew as he bestows holiness upon you, and to therefore understand this Greatness of the Hebrew God.

Can we shake the hand of a Rabbi? The females cannot shake the hands of a male Orthodox Rabbi. Why not? Because he usually has a wife. A female Conservative or Reform Rabbi? Conservative or Reform male Rabbi? Sure, they shake the hands of anyone who comes as a friend, not a foe.

Sunday, August 4, 2019


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What is the secret? How can a person be both good and great? 

To be able to express love to a family member and also to be a corporate business owner, a doctor, or PhD student? To be able to study Finance or Accounting and still schmooze with people who you love, not just like. Is it possible to turn on and off this love, so you do not have love when it is unrequited? 

What can we do to love only those who love us back, to communicate with those who love all the time, never turning off this true love, so they are never without affection, stimulation, compassion, desire, lovingkindness, truth, fondness, wonderment, real true love, as it is because they have a friend (as a God), even if it is just a pet rock, to have a friend and to feel this love, in order to be a friend to someone to express to them this love. 

To meet them on their own terms, to love when you are with them, and then when you are without them to have common sense, to get back to work, to put love aside, to accomplish, meet goals, have achievement.

To look to these loving people for a boost, to gain confidence, to have a cheering squad, a cheer leader. People who believe in you and say so, requited love, to therefore love them back. 

After feeling this love for others and them for you, to then apply this love to our one and only God. To love God and to praise Him, to love only Yah. To in this way, feel the greatness of true love, and getting there one step at a time, to indulge in this Oneness, to create love, true love, from everything you feel, read, taste, see, hear, remember. 

To follow the path to righteousness, to know all the rules and not to ever break even one. To love this goodness that becomes Greatness. To love goodness with a Great heart. 

Sunday, July 21, 2019


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What is a Fast? Can we slowly Fast? 
The Fast of Tamuz, why are we crying, respecting our ancestors as they lived through atrocities as they happened, to recreate history as we drink/drank our coffee black no sweetness no sugar, or/and to abstain entirely from all beverages, no water even. 
A dry mouth. No teeth brushing, no leather belts or shoes, no perfumes or lotions, no deodorants.
Why? Moses smashed the Tablets of the Ten Commandments to smithereens! 
Slow? How can we view slowness during a Fast? Carefully watch the grounds so we do not trip. Watch the Hebrews as they dismantled the Golden Calf, one earring by one necklace, all golden jewelry melted down ripped off from the Golden Calf, a Golden Calf that was no more. 
Then the Destruction of our Holy Temple! 
We stood 6 miles away from Mount Sinai. As we slowly cautiously walked foot by one foot to the Mount we felt the heat of a volcano, the passions of fiery flaming hearts, we call it "lovingkindness". 
Moses unveiled the new set of Ten Commandments as the Golden Calf was stomped upon into the ground. 
These Commandments? Yes, there were ten. As time went by, 613 were added to the Ten. 
Can we follow all these 623 Commandments? Are we righteous enough? Can we at least try? 
Start and end with the worship of ONE God ECHAD and end with the worship of ONE God ECHAD, never to worship any alien god!!! 
Our God can see, hear, feel, smell, prophesize, taste. 
Any alien god, we cannot perceive, he is a figment of our imagination only, a god who is incomprehensible, who cannot see, hear, feel, smell, prophesize or taste. 
Our Hebrew Prophet Balaam was tempted to destroy his fellows, but his donkey who perceived an angel who blocked Balaam from deceiving his people. 
All's well that ends well. So we sing as we once sang. Selah!