To be able to express love to a family member and also to be a corporate business owner, a doctor, or PhD student? To be able to study Finance or Accounting and still schmooze with people who you love, not just like. Is it possible to turn on and off this love, so you do not have love when it is unrequited?
What can we do to love only those who love us back, to communicate with those who love all the time, never turning off this true love, so they are never without affection, stimulation, compassion, desire, lovingkindness, truth, fondness, wonderment, real true love, as it is because they have a friend (as a God), even if it is just a pet rock, to have a friend and to feel this love, in order to be a friend to someone to express to them this love.
To meet them on their own terms, to love when you are with them, and then when you are without them to have common sense, to get back to work, to put love aside, to accomplish, meet goals, have achievement.
To look to these loving people for a boost, to gain confidence, to have a cheering squad, a cheer leader. People who believe in you and say so, requited love, to therefore love them back.
After feeling this love for others and them for you, to then apply this love to our one and only God. To love God and to praise Him, to love only Yah. To in this way, feel the greatness of true love, and getting there one step at a time, to indulge in this Oneness, to create love, true love, from everything you feel, read, taste, see, hear, remember.
To follow the path to righteousness, to know all the rules and not to ever break even one. To love this goodness that becomes Greatness. To love goodness with a Great heart.
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