New vs. old, is old bad and new good? Elderly people are old and this does not mean they are bad, old age to be respected, loved, the elderly to be honored they to come first before all others. The elderly to have wisdom a lifetime long of information to give to us, to impart words of wisdom, to be smart intelligent intellectual, worldly well traveled, to know alot, not to be dumb, not be mistreated, not to treat them like children.
What is new? A newborn baby is new, a new song is new as ordered to sing this new song by The Psalms. A new car is new, safer than an old car. A new electronic computer system is new, new brands new companies, the Apple company being new and old the first computer system ever to be. An apple freshly picked off a fruit tree is new not old. An apple being red, well-read, reading books writing books, ideas new not old not copied not mimicked to be original.
Newness, freshness, not imagined, reality, scientific, scientific Breaking News. Backwards NEW spells "wen". What is wen? With an H it spells wHen and jon with an H spells John. For Elizabeth to have given birth to a son named John. Or Johnny, there is Johnny Apple Seed a friend to feed to be fed to eat later again.
Make new friends but keep the old. One is silver and the other's gold.
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