Mourning? No, morning. A GOOD morning. How can we capitalize GOOD, without a GOD? Are there churches without a God? Yes, there is the Unitarian Church whose members don't worship a God, instead they are politically active and do social reform. So, yes, good, but not GREAT.
"Tom and Jerry" a cat and a mouse, watching this cat catch this mouse on TV. In a high chair, yellow upholstered, high off the ground.
Like to be in a theater, to watch Gilligan's Island. A Skipper who is fat and a young man who is childlike, he is Gilligan, always tripping up. A rich man and his wife, an actress, a small ship that did not sink, but crashed on a desert island. No one, not a plane or bird, yes! It's Superman! Clark Kent. Used to be, now he's saving lives. All the Commandments of the Torah may be broken if a life is at stake, to break the rules if it saves a life. So CPR? Bringing the dead back to life? Yes, it is legal.
Mommy! Is there anything to eat? Gerber's baby foods, in a glass (purified) jar with a turning metal lid popped airtight, to have a little kids' Sterling silver spoon, to chase it like an airplane or bird as it flies into your open mouth. Begging Mommy like a birdie. The newborn birds of a Cardinal's nest, to watch the male Cardinal colorful feed his mate a female Cardinal muted colors, butterflies flitting everywhere, white, yellow, red and black Monarchs, dragonflies. Flying on by, not to chase you, nothing to fear.
A Huge Monstrous Ape Man Gorilla. But not a Megillah Gorilla. Why not a Megillah? Because there are no such things as ghosts. Really? Yes, ghosts cannot be proven scientifically. But we like them so we want to keep them? Sure. An imagination? Yes, scientifically some brains are keener than other brains, and have greater imaginary powers, more ghosts and thus more creativity.
To keep a Higher Power, then? Purposely to do social reform, to research the sciences? But also to have ghosts? Okay. Flying as high as our Higher Power, sliding down Jacob's Ladder. Four chair legs, not three. But we like three!!! So be it, then just call me "ME".
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