The birds or the bees, I'll take both of them, please. A bee she be's a stinging tail end, a bird she flies like butterflies not removed from her nest her children flying free a bird a butterfly a graceful orange and black Butterfly, an English Monarch to land on a Pointsettia plant red and gold Pointy green leaves. Here a point, there a point, everywhere a point point, yeah Uncle Sam wants You!
New house, new wife, new job, newly-married, all no longer applies. Really? Yeah. Olden oxen donkeys, no more, a freeze. A man who says he is too good to go to war should be the one to go first.
Get up get out yeah lazy lout, get into your working clothes. Drafted into war, not white splashing rafting river rapids, drafting for the fearful as well as the brave, a house no longer to pay mortgage, reverse mortgage on the house garage instead.
It is not fair to allow some to fight but not others, unless you are disabled, this should be the only ticket to ride, glad you came to your senses and yah complied.
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