Let bye gones be bye gones, to sorrowfully must to say good bye, live and let live, to must swallow your pride as the truth unveils and your face is seen, not shining after all, not a keen sheen an orange tint after gorging on a breakfast sweet potato treat but not truly feeling sweet, lips of peeling white skin leprosy, she said it's cuz of drinking gin. Only a human after all, a wizard of Oz not, no lie. A steriod here, a steroid there, devoid of love, licorice to lick, clean up the mess.
A bye gone that means you will be gone, say to me good-bye, a song to never die. Our Father who art in Heaven, hearing angels singing real angels a song without words, a bassoon a bass a harp not to harp not a harpy. A trope? Nope, I know the words I'm not a dope.
A tornado here a hurricane there, canoeing on white water rapids as if none of it were there. A paddle in a puddle to stomp as you sing a new song a happy song not a song as a waddle in a mud puddle. Mud pies in a store to try to sell as your fingers blister in Hell. Petroleum jelly not jam, your fingers in jars jammed.
To read savvy Shakespeare as he writes: "Romeo where art thou Romeo?" A love story of a Juliet and a Romeo never to part apart, in death do they part? Not to be a part of those whose death has no Heaven, change your playmates and your playground to see to opt Heaven no thirst or hunger asunder, bliss bliss-fulness, rainstorm thunder yonder.
Delicious manna magically grown in Heaven (not reincarnation) sugar cane truthfulness scrumptious swallowed sweetness Sweet Hearts, chocolate Yankee Doodle Dandy, read and see the play Shakespeare snack on candy!
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