Friday, May 27, 2016


"Against your will you live; against your will you die."

- Ethics of the Fathers 4:22

Everyday the same as the last, each new day, everyday a new leaf on a tree a new flower in blossom.

Everyday you tell yourself the same thing, to make it through a new day to keep going, to have perseverance, to tell your legs to walk and your brain to think, to keep living despite having the same problems to deal with that you had yesterday, the same illnesses without a cure, the same problems the same each day a day that you must try to stay alive to combat the same problems that never go away. "Against your will you will live."

"Against your will you will die." Fearful of death and what will happen to us after we die, resurrection, reincarnation, wanting to be buried and not cremated, holding onto life like it is a life preserver as you swim and do not want to drown, praying for another day, a day that "against your will you will live," because death is scary, it is the unknown, whatever our beliefs they cannot be proven, and we will not know the truth until after we are dead.

Holding onto our last breath and breathing again so our heart keeps on beating, wanting to see Heaven, but not soon.

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