Sunday, May 8, 2016


"The Hebrew word for “holy” (kadosh) means “separate,” “removed,” and “beyond.” G‑d is absolutely and infinitely holy, for inasmuch as He created the world, He is beyond it, unlimited by time, space, or any other of its attributes."

Kadosh, kadosh, kadosh. Stepping up and down 3x in unison with others in a holy minyan of 10 Jews or 9 +1= 9 Jews + The Torah.

Keeping your separateness as your body houses you apart from others, although we mix up in a worship minyan as One, as our singing voices come together in a union as One sound blending like milk into honey, in honor of One G-d The Almighty G-d of Abraham and Sarah, the One and Only G-d Who is everyone's G-d, separate from us, as we are separate from each other, but like a field of wheat we make up one whole unit in completeness, swaying in the wind together as One, in great wispiness.

Keeping your words pure like holy water, to sprinkle on some but not onto others, to be separate from the impure, to be mixed as molecules of water together in holiness, in "kadosh" with the pure but to not be mixed with polluted waters, to not allow the dirtiness of others to dirty you, to mikvah in waters of 100% naturalness to wash away all impurities, all dirtiness, yours and theirs.

To live next to a neighbor who you can love and to be separate (or holy) from neighbors you cannot love. To love your neighbor, to find a neighbor you can love and live next to who will accept your love and not return your love instead with hate.

To be separate in your neighborhood from the impure, separate meaning holy, from those who cannot return your love. To be able in its truest form to love your neighbor and to have him be able to love you back.

Not to be segregated, but to be able to be and to remain holy and untouched by the impure, the unholy.

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