"This is the first key to personal growth. There is no such thing as spirituality without sacrifice. A field will not yield crops unless one plows and sows. In order to make the Divine potential each of us possesses grow and blossom, an investment of hard work must be made."
Working, everyday doing labor that will reap you a reward. Writing being a type of labor, teaching Torah as a labor, creating as a labor. Laboriously creating, working, doing, acting, learning, carrying, studying, working to reap you a profit.
Profit being measured by how much work is a benefit to you, to others, to the world. Benefiting from your labors. Giving yourself joyous moments as you strive, as you work, as you labor.
Labor being an action to give you a meaningful purpose, a righteous focus to your life.
Not to give up on your work.
To do what you love to do and to do it everyday. To work as a joy, to strive to give someone else the benefits of your labor. To not just labor for yourself. To work to sustain someone. To be the giver of sustenance with your labor for those who lack sustenance and are in need of your profits.
To work, as being a direct descendant of Adam and Eve who were thrown out of The Garden of Eden to be in a life of work.
To not to have an easy life. To no longer have a freedom from work, but to instead have the freedom to do work.
To be able to choose your work and do only the work that enhances and enlightens you, to have a job that is not menial, a job of which you can be proud. To do work that you love to do, and not ever to do a job that degrades you or that you do not like to do.
No occupation is better than another, all occupations are equal.
To know that all work is good, that there does not exist any labor that is injurious, unless it is a labor that cheats and robs people. Never to have to lie or cheat or oppress others as a job because these wrongdoings earn you money. The man who lives in truth but not riches is better off than he who does deceitful work.
Working hard as a way to change the world, a way to heal those who suffer, working in a job that is meaningful and righteous.
Working in the arts to bring beauty to the world.
To be able to retire from work, to still have sustenance in your elder years.
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