Finding someone to blame, outing someone, reporting on another's "wrong doings," finding fault with someone, telling the authorities on someone, using someone as a scapegoat, claiming someone is disobedient of laws, lying and causing someone else to get the punishment that you deserve.
Calling an innocent person guilty, calling yourself blameless. Picking at whatever another does and saying it is in error and is not inadvertent but is somehow evil. Not giving your neighbor the benefit of the doubt, not using your gift and rights to be forgiving, hating your neighbor and wanting to see him drowned.
Instead to be a white goat, a Tzaddik, but not to claim you are G-d, using G-d as a mentor and trying to be like Him, but not claiming you are always right. Trying to understand the faults in others and not to incriminate them for their hurtful actions towards you. Knowing what media brainwashing does and realizing there are people who are not in control of their opinions, there are people who are duped and this is reality.
Having free thinking, being a free thinker to go back 5,000 years not just 2,000 years, and to drink in all the knowledge available from our Sages. To be a mouse but with sharp teeth, to not cause a commotion, to continue to eat your cheese and not allow others to take your cheese away.
Being a lover of Judaism and to keep the rights to have this religion as your own, to have gone back before you were in your Mother's womb, back to your experience of standing on Mount Sinai when Moses received the tablets of The Torah from G-d, the One True G-d Almighty of Abraham and Sarah, Who is the only real G-d in existence and is the Creator of all that is good.
Being a lover of the good and not an inciter of the destruction of the good, helping the good to flourish and to be among the good and to allow this to bring you happiness, and to shine in the Divine.
The Parshah of Kedoshim in The Torah begins with the statement: "You shall be holy, for I, the L-rd your G-d, am holy."
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