"The Rambam’s intent is that the Jewish approach to knowledge must be more than theoretical. Instead, a person’s knowledge must shape his character, and more importantly, influence his behavior. This is what distinguishes him as wise."
You are wise when you have something to say to another that you can say to him that can help him, to aid him, to tell him something he did not know before, to not hoard your knowledge, to impart words of wisdom, to teach, to tell someone something that could reshape his life.
To not hold it all inside and keep it to yourself, to spread it on top of spaghetti like olive oil instead of red sauce, to feed knowledge to people like to birds who crave for a bite from their Mother's mouth.
To help another individual with something that you know, to advise, to suggest, to guide, to show someone a path, to help someone on their journey.
If you know the answer to someone's question, do not hold back, get in there and give him the know-how that he desperately needs to stay afloat, especially if others are trying to drown him.
To open your lips and not keep them tight, to take someone's hand and take him out of darkness and into light.
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