Friday, May 27, 2016


"Against your will you live; against your will you die."

- Ethics of the Fathers 4:22

Everyday the same as the last, each new day, everyday a new leaf on a tree a new flower in blossom.

Everyday you tell yourself the same thing, to make it through a new day to keep going, to have perseverance, to tell your legs to walk and your brain to think, to keep living despite having the same problems to deal with that you had yesterday, the same illnesses without a cure, the same problems the same each day a day that you must try to stay alive to combat the same problems that never go away. "Against your will you will live."

"Against your will you will die." Fearful of death and what will happen to us after we die, resurrection, reincarnation, wanting to be buried and not cremated, holding onto life like it is a life preserver as you swim and do not want to drown, praying for another day, a day that "against your will you will live," because death is scary, it is the unknown, whatever our beliefs they cannot be proven, and we will not know the truth until after we are dead.

Holding onto our last breath and breathing again so our heart keeps on beating, wanting to see Heaven, but not soon.

Thursday, May 26, 2016


What to do about their fear of The Chosen, the fear of Jews as "masterminds," about their fear of Judaism and their not knowing G-d or The Torah? How to deal with people who are frightened when you speak of The G-d Almighty Elohim because they do not know Him, as we excel in our education and businesses beyond their belief or comprehension? As our families stick together and do not end in divorce. As we give birth to many children who are loved children.

Seeing them shake and shiver, bending their knees in grief, vibrating their hands as they hold a cup of water, quivering their voices as they ask you questions about Judaism and demand that they have a right to know, but are not prepared to deal with the information because they do not know G-d.

What to do about this? Show these frightened people some compassion, realize their fears stem from ignorance and their ignorance can even go as far as hatred for The Chosen, because they know nothing about our mission or who we are or what we do and their fear causes them to hate because they covet and are jealous.

Be gentle with them, talk to them in a calm voice so they feel your calmness and it transfers unto them, try to be aware that G-d Who is so powerful, is in your reflection and His awesomeness shows on you as G-d's Chosen people The Jews, and these fearful people see G-d in you and in everything you say and do. As they look at us and see G-d in our faces and in our words, as they see the awesomeness of The Almighty in us, in our actions and deeds, in our commitment to His Covenant and this is what frightens them.

Be empathetic and realize how their fear of us affects them, skyrocketing their blood pressure, causing weakness in their knees, their brains confused as they look at G-d in our faces but they do not know Him so cannot comprehend Him or us.

Give them a sweet smile and let them know that we as The Chosen are not out to hurt them, that what we want in the world is peace between all religions and all peoples.

Keep these frightened people in our prayers, pray for the world and for universal peace.

Thursday, May 19, 2016


"The Rambam’s intent is that the Jewish approach to knowledge must be more than theoretical. Instead, a person’s knowledge must shape his character, and more importantly, influence his behavior. This is what distinguishes him as wise."

You are wise when you have something to say to another that you can say to him that can help him, to aid him, to tell him something he did not know before, to not hoard your knowledge, to impart words of wisdom, to teach, to tell someone something that could reshape his life.

To not hold it all inside and keep it to yourself, to spread it on top of spaghetti like olive oil instead of red sauce, to feed knowledge to people like to birds who crave for a bite from their Mother's mouth.

To help another individual with something that you know, to advise, to suggest, to guide, to show someone a path, to help someone on their journey.

If you know the answer to someone's question, do not hold back, get in there and give him the know-how that he desperately needs to stay afloat, especially if others are trying to drown him.

To open your lips and not keep them tight, to take someone's hand and take him out of darkness and into light.

Wednesday, May 18, 2016


To use words in phone conversations that are listening words like "uh huh" or "interesting" or "tell me more," to convey a nodding of the head so people feel heard, to also see leaves nodding in unison on trees as they move together in the same flow of the wind, to nod like the leaves, to learn from nature.

To not reply to a cry of need with silence, to be a listener but also to reply, to not act as if you are superior to others or above others in a loftier position on a throne that looks down on them.

To not remove your physical presence from another so he misses it, do not talk to one person and leave another out, to not ignore someone as a weapon.

Do not throw in another's face and say to them what you own that they do not, do not tempt someone to covet by being a braggart of what you have that they do not.

Do not tighten your lips when someone wants your words.

Do not use others as scapegoats and claim they are the reason for all your problems.

Do not be negative and talk of that which is unpleasant, do not say to someone that "it could be worse."

Do not act as a giver but in reality to give nothing.

Do not force dependency on someone. Do not act as a lifeline and then remove your nurturing, do not be two-faced, do not act like a saint when you have no intentions of following through with any actions of kindness.

Do not try to remove another's abilities to give, do not force another to just take. Do not think you have more than another and that he has less.

Do not worship the rich and famous, do not try to befriend the rich and famous just because they are rich and famous. Do not think this friendship somehow enhances who you are.

Finding out a secret but not gossiping, not slandering, not to talk about other's problems, to not say they are problematic and that you are not.

Not to lie to save face, not to try to hide truth because of shame, to trust in others and have acceptance, to be able to be open, to not trust someone again and again who has again and again bitten you in the past. To know your friends from your enemies. To not cry on another's shoulders when he does not care, to instead befriend someone who cannot gain from your defeats, to not be in neediness of others, to help yourself, to talk to G-d, to ask G-d for help.

To drink when you thirst and to ask others to help you find your water, to remember Moses as he struck the rock twice and brought forth water for the thirsty but did not rely on G-d to provide it when G-d told him He would. To rely on G-d and not be a "Doubting Thomas."

To drink as much water as you wish and to always drink more water, to take a gift but not to look a gift horse in the mouth, to never have a parched dry throat.

To not feed the birds when you yourself are hungry. To not then brag about feeding a bird when you did not feed yourself. To not act and pretend you are in money but have none to lend, to not act in one way but be hypocritical and actually do things another way.

To go with the flow and to be rained upon by cool refreshing waterfalls, to feel water as free manna when there is dryness, to taste your tongue and its wetness, to jump into a sea of lake water when it is yours to enjoy.

To enjoy it again and again.

Friday, May 13, 2016


To only worship the One and Only True G-d of Sarah and Abraham and not to allow yourself to worship anything or anyone else.

To not worship the lamb or ox or pigeon, to not ever allow someone to force you to worship a lamb or ox or pigeon.

Never to bow down to an idol or an image, to be free of all idols and never to worship an idol, not to worship a cross. To only worship the One True G-d.

Not to worship the sun or a full moon, to never worship a star or planet. To not bow down to the sun whether it is dawning or setting, or to the moon whether it is full or new, to be solely involved only with the One True G-d and to not ever use anything astronomic to replace G-d.

Not to worship natural occurrences or natural phenomena in the place of G-d. Not to worship a thunderstorm or lightening, or a mountain or canyon, or a tree or a flower or a butterfly. Never to worship rain or a cloud or fog or the blue sky or the blue ocean instead of the One True G-d.

Not be superstitious like the Pagans and not to worship numbers or attach any sorcerous magic to a number. Knowing that the number 13 is the number of "The Principles of Maimonides" and that there is One G-d and that is what 13 is all about.

To not use numbers or full moons to cast magical spells or curses, to rid yourself of all temptation to reshape reality into an environment of evil intention, to not cast curses, to instead pray blessings and summon G-d to be your protection without obstructing His ability to help you because you are unfaithful to Him and in the worship of another instead of G-d.

Not to worship a politician, not to exalt a man of the government into a position to be worshipped, not ever to worship a man, a mortal man, or an angel, or a mystical occurrence, instead to keep the Jewish faith and to limit all your thanks and praise for G-d alone, to give all your worship to only Elohim, to Shekinah, to the 50 names of G-d as One G-d, not to multiple gods, not to a "son of god" but to the greatest entity in this universe and all the universes, all 2,000+ universes, to be in worship of One G-d The G-d of Sarah and Abraham exclusively.

Thursday, May 12, 2016


"For compassion to be fully realized, it needs bonding. It requires creating a channel between giver and receiver. A mutuality that extends beyond the moment of need. A bond that continues to live on.
That is the most gratifying result of true compassion. Do you bond with the one you have compassion for, or do you remain apart? Does your interaction achieve anything beyond a single act of sympathy?"

Compassion for the elderly who is disabled, to show sympathy for one who is wise in years but instead referred to as "old" like an old used appliance that does not work anymore and so is discarded like an old hat.

Living alone, as an older adult, in an empty nest that once held laughing children and celebrations of holidays, that no longer happen. No parties that are thrown in this house that needs repairs, not enough money to do remodeling, paint falling off walls that have not been painted since who knows how long?

Not having youthful vision, not seeing the dust on the furniture or the dirt on the floor, putting off jobs that would make the house a more livable place. Weeds growing in the grass that even poison cannot kill, yellowing grass, old patches of withering turf, like yellowing skin on a face that is deeply embedded with lines of age, lines that reflect constant sorrowfulness as another aged friend is buried, another line, another reason to grieve. Grieving for all your losses, that are innumerable, each day being more stressful than the last, another loss, another day of a fight to stay alive, another reason why you would rather be dead.

Feeling sorry and giving empathy for the aged, giving them compassion, as each day for them is a day that they feel body aches and pains, stiffness of joints, weakened muscles, arthritis, poor blood circulation, old worn out body organs, wishing as they do to be out of their body, and into a body without pain, a body that works.

Praying for the aged, for these people who use each day to fight a battle, keeping them in your heart and giving them forgiveness, being sorry that they hurt, praying that they will find a day of peace.

Wednesday, May 11, 2016


Finding someone to blame, outing someone, reporting on another's "wrong doings," finding fault with someone, telling the authorities on someone, using someone as a scapegoat, claiming someone is disobedient of laws, lying and causing someone else to get the punishment that you deserve.

Calling an innocent person guilty, calling yourself blameless. Picking at whatever another does and saying it is in error and is not inadvertent but is somehow evil. Not giving your neighbor the benefit of the doubt, not using your gift and rights to be forgiving, hating your neighbor and wanting to see him drowned.

Instead to be a white goat, a Tzaddik, but not to claim you are G-d, using G-d as a mentor and trying to be like Him, but not claiming you are always right. Trying to understand the faults in others and not to incriminate them for their hurtful actions towards you. Knowing what media brainwashing does and realizing there are people who are not in control of their opinions, there are people who are duped and this is reality.

Having free thinking, being a free thinker to go back 5,000 years not just 2,000 years, and to drink in all the knowledge available from our Sages. To be a mouse but with sharp teeth, to not cause a commotion, to continue to eat your cheese and not allow others to take your cheese away.

Being a lover of Judaism and to keep the rights to have this religion as your own, to have gone back before you were in your Mother's womb, back to your experience of standing on Mount Sinai when Moses received the tablets of The Torah from G-d, the One True G-d Almighty of Abraham and Sarah, Who is the only real G-d in existence and is the Creator of all that is good.

Being a lover of the good and not an inciter of the destruction of the good, helping the good to flourish  and to be among the good and to allow this to bring you happiness, and to shine in the Divine.

The Parshah of Kedoshim in The Torah begins with the statement: "You shall be holy, for I, the L-rd your G-d, am holy."


Sunday, May 8, 2016


"The Hebrew word for “holy” (kadosh) means “separate,” “removed,” and “beyond.” G‑d is absolutely and infinitely holy, for inasmuch as He created the world, He is beyond it, unlimited by time, space, or any other of its attributes."

Kadosh, kadosh, kadosh. Stepping up and down 3x in unison with others in a holy minyan of 10 Jews or 9 +1= 9 Jews + The Torah.

Keeping your separateness as your body houses you apart from others, although we mix up in a worship minyan as One, as our singing voices come together in a union as One sound blending like milk into honey, in honor of One G-d The Almighty G-d of Abraham and Sarah, the One and Only G-d Who is everyone's G-d, separate from us, as we are separate from each other, but like a field of wheat we make up one whole unit in completeness, swaying in the wind together as One, in great wispiness.

Keeping your words pure like holy water, to sprinkle on some but not onto others, to be separate from the impure, to be mixed as molecules of water together in holiness, in "kadosh" with the pure but to not be mixed with polluted waters, to not allow the dirtiness of others to dirty you, to mikvah in waters of 100% naturalness to wash away all impurities, all dirtiness, yours and theirs.

To live next to a neighbor who you can love and to be separate (or holy) from neighbors you cannot love. To love your neighbor, to find a neighbor you can love and live next to who will accept your love and not return your love instead with hate.

To be separate in your neighborhood from the impure, separate meaning holy, from those who cannot return your love. To be able in its truest form to love your neighbor and to have him be able to love you back.

Not to be segregated, but to be able to be and to remain holy and untouched by the impure, the unholy.

Friday, May 6, 2016


Talking, in conversation, shooting words back and forth, talking with another doing the listening, being paid to answer a question, being in debate, you are right/no I am right. Having someone placate you, a person paid to listen to then find a fault, talking to someone about something of which they have no interest, better instead to be in touch with someone who really cares, someone who shows concern and has their concern be real, not fabricated.

A doll, a person like a Barbie, nodding yes in tune with your words, not however being in a true understanding, treating another like a child, nurturing them instead of allowing them to nurture you. Taking away someone's abilities to give, assuming they are waterless vessels with no abilities to quench your thirst, being thirsty but not asking for water, not expecting your thirst to be ended, not depending on another to quench your thirst, finding your own vessel and filling it up yourself and drinking from it as you call the shots, not giving another the power to feed or to take food away.

Finding your own streams filled with more water than you need, knowing like a mouse which hole contains the cheese, going to that hole as a learned experience and always being with cheese, never without.

Knowing who will nurture and who will not. Who expects to get nurtured instead of to give nurturing. Not getting caught in a trap as you grab your cheese. To know where your cheese comes from and not to expect it where it is not available.

Climbing the ropes that were meant for you to climb, up Jacob's Ladder, holding on to Rapunzel's hair as she throws it out the window of her castle bedroom, climbing up this hair, up the beanstalk after Jack, as Jack and the Beanstalk, leaf by leaf, to find the cloud with the silver lining on which to rest, to reach as you climb.

Completing your journey to be seated on this cloud upon a golden throne at the right hand of the Father, being in a Heaven that you can say is yours, that is meant just for you, a beautiful Heaven that is all around you.