Wednesday, January 20, 2016


If the ram of the horn of the Shofar was to talk instead of squeal, what would it say? Deciphering the words of the shouting call of the wild as heard once a year. To think it out and to give words to its song. Hearing a song of alarm and to seek protection and to perform action.

Today, what would the Shofar say to me?

When tired not to soak up on coffee, when tripping over your feet do not stand or walk, when fatigued take a nap, when thirsty imbibe in pure water, when your muscles are stiff stretch them, when your muscles limp sorely do not give up on walking, when you think a faulty thought do not act upon it, when you have something to say tell someone you trust, if you trust no one then tell no one.

If you are crying then cry to someone who will not tell you to stop, if you keep trying to solve a problem but cannot solve it keep trying.

If you love someone who you cannot see then accept the loss and go on and see someone else, if you want someone to know how you feel then tell them, if you are tired and cannot control your emotions then do not act upon them, if you have a complaint that is never changed then accept it and live with it, if you do not like something that someone says or does do not be a judge of their character instead control what it is you say and do.

Listen for the call of the angels and be glad you are listening even if you cannot hear them. Keep trying even if all is lost. Do not look back, look forward to new circumstances, do not become a pillar of salt. Listen for G-d even if you cannot hear Him, do what you think G-d would tell you to do if you talked to Him and He responded.

Give up lost battles and create new spaces new places. Look to the east and bow. Sing a song that keeps your feet tapping, do not lose sight of your goals. Continue always to improve and then to improve some more.

Rest on Shabbat and take the day off to celebrate the holy day of Saturday that comes once a week. Always to look forward to this holy day to celebrate, to rest. Knowing that all work will cease and a rejuvenation will take place. Living every day in expectation of the 7th day of the week when all will come to an end to start up again but after you rested. Take the rest you feel on Shabbat and apply its principles to everything you do and say on the weekdays. Following what your body tells you to do. Giving up your battles and instead creating fences of protection and soliciting peace.

A Shofar calls us to action during the week, and calls us to rest on Shabbat. Hearing its words as told to us with our inner self wisdom, to know why a ram's horn cries and how to follow its advice.

Singing our inner music as a ram's horn, but all year round.

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