Wednesday, January 20, 2016


"Your place is the wilderness. The bread you eat falls from heaven. Your basket is in your hands.
Clutch your basket tight in your hands, and your manna will have no place to rest. Open it up to whatever falls from heaven, and your basket will always be full." []

Looking always forwards, never to let a past hardship hinder your upwards climb.

To be a forgiver of the bull who stampedes at your farm, to wave a red cape to show your oxen to his food, to feed him green grass not corn, to give up half of what you have to give to another, to see the manna then fall as snowfall, to chill your manna for storage for another day, always to have more.

To be a wise man, to listen to the oral history of your parents, to have nothing to tie you back, to not need any new thing of the material world instead to be happy with your lot, to fill your cups with what the heavens have to offer you, to then eat until contented, to not ask for more, to receive more the less you ask,

To be self-sufficient, to have your own prayers and your own song, to sing the song of your ancestors. To listen only for the call of G-d, hearing Him in the song of the birds and hum of the waters of the seas, to see Him in a cloud, to watch the birds then bathe in His natural waters.

To feel His comfort in an upholstered chair and also when you sit on the soft grass under a tree.

To know He is protecting you when you walk in snow and ice but do not fall. Picking yourself up when you are in a struggle, to continue on your forward path.

To be warm in your nest, to actualize your desires, to be promised that all your wishes will come true, and for you then to cause them to come true.

To always know that a problem can be solved.

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