Friday, January 1, 2016


Meditating deeply on the greatness of the blessed Ein Sof.

Ein Sof is the light in the darkness, the warmth in the coldness, the brightness in the dullness, the quiet that is in the noise, the solitude that is in the crowd, the smile among the frowns, the good intentions among the bad, the softness where there is roughness, the ease where there is strife.

Ein Sof is everything we have that we love, to have ourselves, to have it easy and comforting, this is Ein Sof.

Ein Sof is to satisfy a beggar, to give what you have to the poor, to reach upwards but to humbly bow downwards, to stand on one foot during the Amidah, to know you are but dust, but to also know of your greatness, to combine the bad with the good and to have the good come out on top.

To try to be gentle is Ein Sof, to correct someone who is wrong, but to do it gently so as not to criticize, to reap in the benefits of correct actions, actions, words and deeds that help to better another, to cause improvement, to make life easier for everyone involved. To teach but also to do what it is you teach others to do, to not be a hypocrite.

Ein Sof, the guide to G-d, the upwards climb, the finding of the treasure at the end of the rainbow.

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