Family wholeness a family without holes, never ever to ever be critical, instead in covenant of peacefulness with an end to verbal abusiveness, not calling the kettle black, instead cooking soup and serving it in spoonful amounts to baby birds with open begging beaks.
A call to the wild, to be wild oneself, to feed the needy and never to withhold the dessert.
A desert of starving chicks to be complimented, to be encouraged, to grow up into angels, to hear singing instead of complaints.
To be the bandleader, to wave a wand to lead an orchestra, to sing a solo to be joined by a choir. To know all the words to the songs and to have them in the daily beat of your foot.
To smile instead of to frown, to say hello instead of good bye, to offer someone a treat instead of dirt, never begging for food.
To say yes instead of no, to affectionately wink a wink of approval, to mean what you say, to always be truthful and trustworthy, to continue to do all this everyday, day to day, hour to hour, without a hesitant moment, always singing in the same song.
Smelling roses as a result, sitting comfortably never without a bed or chair, watching a sun rise and then a sun set, always after a full night of sleep, every morning sunray causing you happiness, every sunset giving you a royal purple vision, a vision of the yod, hey, vav, hey.
G-d being victorious in all happenings that happen to you, a vision that is not a vision but that is written in Hebrew, a Hebrew vision, no visions of G-d, instead a G-d that is all visions, nothing anywhere that is not created by G-d.
G-d being everywhere and being everything.
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