Tuesday, December 1, 2015


What is the light of Chanukah? What does this fire represent? Chanukah means "to start something new."

The fires of Chanukah are hot, passionate, spiritual, we fight evil, overcome darkness, make everything pure. The fires put an end to coldness, melts ice, ends frigidity. Puts an end to a difficult life, turns an obstacle into a support. Brings love where there is hatred. Puts us in a place where we live forever as the flame lights the way to eternal life

Bringing purity to the world, risking lives to lighten darkness as Jacob fought the angel and the Maccabees fought the Crusaders and won, bringing selflessness to every situation, pushing back armies which desecrate Torah, pushing back the forces of darkness, making the way to lighten the path for the Mashiach to come, nine flames that ended all bad things.

We have this power to elevate the Torah, to push back the darkness, lighten the paths to peace, fight the Goliaths, change evil with lightness, end a dark exile, support Torah, inherit victory and an ability to fight wickedness, to face all challenges, to bring light to 2,000 universes.

The sun will shine for us brightly, and evil will end, darkness will diminish, music will fill the air and the whole world will be singing praises and we will all be laughing and all our lives will be elevated to the ultimate position of holiness: to sing, sing, sing and never die.

Everywhere, everyone. The door is open. Chanukah will never end.

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