Thursday, December 3, 2015


Reach up high and grasp the tops of the trees and come all the way down to touch your toes, the roots of the trees, sway your body and arms and hands back and forth like a tree in the wind, think about your Rabbi's sermons and remember them, scoop up your arms and flicker your fingers spreading around the gold dust of these memories of these sermons, tossing the words into the air around you and spreading holy words this way all throughout the sky, as a tree spreads its seeds.

Bend your body down, bow it, bow it again, use your body like a tree to bow to praise G-d. Be as strong as a tree, as sturdy as a tree, and as stable as a tree grounded in a network of roots, sip your water and hydrate your branches, balance like a scale of justice, a blessing that moves and blows around as truth, as we stretch out our ideas as mighty arms like heavy wooden branches.

The arms of the Almighty G-d, as G-d moves around like a wandering tribe, as the heart of Jewish life, as we build our lives, our commitment to Judaism. Dig deeply, deeper than the tree roots go down, for we are attached to a life source, we need to recover it, it is fundamental to who we are as Jews.

Winter weather sets in and we sleep, hibernating, as the trees sleep, we sleep too. On the seventh day G-d rested.

Teach us O merciful One, show us how to fulfill all that is in Your Torah.

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