Having a second life, being reborn, learning Judaism as an adult, taking Hebrew school classes and studying Torah, but not as a class to complete and then not to study again, but to learn and study over and over again, to study Torah everyday, to make it as important as eating your breakfast, to learn to teach and to perform mitzvoth, to always concentrate on ways to be kinder, to show loving-kindness to your fellow, to do what the commandments tell you to do. To grow into being a person who applies chesed [loving-kindness] to his every deed, and to sprinkle like gold dust, kind words and kind deeds everywhere you go, to everyone you meet.
To know it is impossible for anyone to be perfect, but to strive for perfection, to strive to be like a Chassid is in our reach, to have these characteristics, not necessarily to be a Chassid as in a member of the Chassidic denomination of Judaism, but to assume spiritual improvements that they teach us, to know how to improve and in what direction. How can we improve? Here is an article that gives us a guide: "What Is A Chassid?" that you can read.
What Torah Study teaches us to do is to always improve in our thoughts, deeds and actions.
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