Thursday, December 31, 2015


To feel satisfied. To not feel like you could have done more, accomplished more, to be happy with what you do and how much you do, and to not feel like a failure no matter how much you do.

To not feel like you have to do more than what you are already doing, to be happy with what you do and how often you do it, and how much you do. To accept human limits, to not try to be superman, to do things with ease and effortlessly, to act according to the limits of your brain and body. To do only what is humanly possible to do.

To do what you can when you can, and not to worry about not be able to do things that you cannot do. To be satisfied with your human limits, to not push yourself beyond your capabilities, to strive to improve, but not to do more than you possibly are able to do.

To do as much as you like when you like to, to keep doing things, but not to press yourself into doing too much. To share the burdens with others. To delegate responsibility so it is not all on your shoulders and only on your shoulders.

To do what you can do, when you can do it, to try to do your best at all times, to accept human limits.

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