Thursday, December 31, 2015


To feel satisfied. To not feel like you could have done more, accomplished more, to be happy with what you do and how much you do, and to not feel like a failure no matter how much you do.

To not feel like you have to do more than what you are already doing, to be happy with what you do and how often you do it, and how much you do. To accept human limits, to not try to be superman, to do things with ease and effortlessly, to act according to the limits of your brain and body. To do only what is humanly possible to do.

To do what you can when you can, and not to worry about not be able to do things that you cannot do. To be satisfied with your human limits, to not push yourself beyond your capabilities, to strive to improve, but not to do more than you possibly are able to do.

To do as much as you like when you like to, to keep doing things, but not to press yourself into doing too much. To share the burdens with others. To delegate responsibility so it is not all on your shoulders and only on your shoulders.

To do what you can do, when you can do it, to try to do your best at all times, to accept human limits.


To be in good fortune, to an end of misfortune, to have prosperity, to have ownership of material possessions, to be the home where the parties take place, to chuck it all for a peaceful relationship with people, to not use anyone, to not oppress anyone, to put a nix to one's yetzir harah, to extinguish evil intentions, to not put on airs, to not pretend to have more than one has, to not try to impress people, to not have to be the "life of the party" to not be at a party at all.

To be safe, stable and secure in one's home, making it a happy home, to not pretend what is not. To not be arrogant, to not be selfish, to not exert one's pride over another's, to not say you want to be of help when what you really want to do is to hurt.

To love your family and not have it to be a nest of adversity. To teach your children how to have peaceful moments with each other, not to teach them to thrive on negativity. To take a compliment and to be thankful for a positive comment, to not thrive on hurtful comments.

To show someone sincerity, to feed one's family, to not withhold what you have when you have enough for two, and are only one person.

To bring G-d and holiness into every conversation, to always talk about Torah and its teachings. To never exclude Torah from conversations. To bring righteousness and its benefits into your brainstorming, to be gentle, to show selflessness.

To try to change the world by starting with changing yourself. To have an oath with G-d, a covenant with G-d, to make a secular new year's resolution to always be peaceful and not to be argumentative, to let someone else do the talking, to be a listening ear, to not try to get nurtured at someone else's expense who is not getting enough.

When G-d is the source of your love, there is always enough love to go around. When G-d's existence is scoffed, there is no love, there is no peace.

Wednesday, December 30, 2015


Love, honesty, truthfulness, putting down one's guard and letting love seep in, like the moisture of waters underground feeding the roots of trees, causing the trees to get stronger, to grow taller, to have fuller leaves, to stride upwards to be closer to the Heavens, climbing up trees as a child, Trees of Knowledge, taking classes in Hebrew School, classes that you will remember for a lifetime with a preparation as a child.

Having a second life, being reborn, learning Judaism as an adult, taking Hebrew school classes and studying Torah, but not as a class to complete and then not to study again, but to learn and study over and over again, to study Torah everyday, to make it as important as eating your breakfast, to learn to teach and to perform mitzvoth, to always concentrate on ways to be kinder, to show loving-kindness to your fellow, to do what the commandments tell you to do. To grow into being a person who applies chesed [loving-kindness] to his every deed, and to sprinkle like gold dust, kind words and kind deeds everywhere you go, to everyone you meet.
Think to yourself: What kind of a person would the Messiah be like if you were to meet him and to get to know him. And then apply these personality characteristics to your own lifestyle. What if everyone in the world acted like how we imagine the Messiah would act? We do have a mentor, anyone who lives righteously has this Messiah mentor to follow in his words and deeds. There are 613 commandments to follow, and non-Jews can follow 7 Noachide commandments, then indeed if all of us did this, and taught our children to do this, we would have a perfect world. Everyone living in this imperfect world would be perfect, just like a true Messiah, not a messiah who is false, but a real one, for everyone to act just like what the real Messiah would act like.

To know it is impossible for anyone to be perfect, but to strive for perfection, to strive to be like a Chassid is in our reach, to have these characteristics, not necessarily to be a Chassid as in a member of the Chassidic denomination of Judaism, but to assume spiritual improvements that they teach us, to know how to improve and in what direction. How can we improve? Here is an article that gives us a guide: "What Is A Chassid?" that you can read.

What Torah Study teaches us to do is to always improve in our thoughts, deeds and actions.

Sunday, December 27, 2015



Today in my dining room, I had lunch with Moses!

Just before I sat down to eat, Joel Osteen the Christian missionary, was blasting from the TV set that is in my dining hall, and he said "Jesus Just Passed By!" and that was all I heard. I was very disturbed by this lie, and it really rubbed me the wrong way, upsetting me and causing me to stop in my prayers to the one true Divine Shekinah HASHEM, so I would not mix up my prayers to Him with the other god, the false god.

On Xmas day it is warned to stop your prayers even to the true one G-d on this day so you are not tempted to change your prayers into prayers to the false Christian messiah god by temptation. The devil works in mysterious ways. So I stayed away from all prayers and today was again exposed to this missionary's jargon because Xmas just does not want to end.

When I heard the words "Jesus Just Passed By" I turned it into a Jewish experience, and changed it from being a Christian experience to being a Jewish one only.

I visualized Moses as the one who "Just Passed By!"

I envisioned Moses standing very tall and stately in my dining hall in his long red robed tunic, and carrying the 2 cement tablets in his giant strong arms and saw his long wild beard and salt/pepper gray hair unkempt as if it was windblown because he just walked off Mount Sinai into my dining hall to take the place of this missionary's god,. The presence of Moses as a passerby was more awesome than the presence of any other prophet could ever be.

Moses is the truth and Torah is the truth.

Moses loomed awesomeness and walked like a leopard across my dining hall! "Moses Just Passed By"  resounded as a truth that saved me, a truth that like no other, that put me into a state of reverence, and belief and in obedience of  Halakah, and in prayer towards the one and only true G-d: HASHEM.

How this Christian missionary's words worked to do the exact opposite of his intent, because for me, "Moses, Not Jesus, Just Passed By!"

Friday, December 25, 2015


Being able to laugh, and to laugh again, louder and more gregariously, grinning, beaming with happiness, jumping up and down, no expectations, not a care in the world, no responsibilities, no car gas tank to keep full in the icy winter months so that the gas will not freeze, not stabbing a Thanksgiving turkey early in the morning so it is eatable in the afternoon by a full family of people, all who must be fed.

Not celebrating Xmas, so free free free! Can laugh because I am not expecting anything and no one is expecting anything from me!

Foods shopped, cooked, dishes cleaned, feasting in a kosher way on a holiday that I do not celebrate and ho ho ho, laughing all the way! Like a red-nosed reindeer. Santa Claus sliding down my chimney, not only on Xmas but everyday of the year, but I never see him because he does not exist!

Santa Claus is a myth, imagine that! Why then did they tell me he was real? In the same way they tried to force a Christian messiah down my throat? Why did they not tell me he was not real? In the same way Santa was not real? Lots of lies and merry singing carols to hide all the deceit.

Having forgiveness about being lied to and lied about, Xmas is just another day like any day, and this is exactly why it is a day to be joyous!


Xmas time for me is a perfect time to "come out" as a Jew. For me, when someone says to me "Merry Xmas!" I retort to them with an "I am Jewish." and they then have to rethink a different perspective and to have a good reason to say "Happy Chanukah" to me as that is the correct holiday greeting exclamation to say to me. I then reply with a "Thank you!"

In a household where there is even as little as one Jew who lives there, this makes the household a "Jewish Household."

I feel very proud on Xmas to be a Jew and to stand apart from the deliriousness and mania of "Merry Xmas." My day on today, on Xmas is much like any other day of the year, a day to produce, a day to work (unless it is a Saturday), a day to stand out and "come out" as a Jew, a day to think Jewish thoughts, a day to keep my faith, a day to pray to the Almighty one G-d, a day to keep the peace.

I had a Catholic grandmother who went all out to celebrate Xmas: she baked, cooked, wrapped gifts, went to church, watched the midnight mass in Rome on the TV set, etc. My father who was Jewish saw Xmas as the perfect time to keep the peace in our family, he used this occasion to show respect to my grandmother's beliefs and not once tried to change them. My Grandmother was proud as pudding to have a Jewish son-in-law knowing full well that he was Chosen, unlike any other person who was a Christian in our family, and he gave her respect and not once tried to interfere with her beliefs. She in turn, gave him respect and never attempted a Christian conversion attack to change my Dad's religion. My Dad stayed Jewish all his life and was buried as a Jew, never faltering from his beliefs in a one G-d, an Almighty G-d, an Elohim.

In our family, we the Jews are uplifted and respected more than anyone else in the family and are given the throne of honor as the Christians believe it is the Jews who are Chosen by G-d to do the 613 Mitzvoth here on Earth to accomplish the peace in the world and it is we who have the innate born ability to do this goodness. It is in our genetics and our DNA well developed from our ancestry. It is we who using an interfaith family unit as our practice grounds where we can do the most good, starting inside a family and spreading our righteousness from this inside to all on the outside as well.

"Merry Xmas!" and "Happy Chanukah!" exist together and one does not cancel out the other.

Thursday, December 24, 2015


Respecting another, giving him the benefit of the doubt, seeing his righteousness, not looking for the bad in someone, not picking at faults, not being critical, seeing a spark of the Divine in everyone's eyes, causing someone to laugh and to smile, extending warmth instead of suspicion.

Helping and aiding someone to accomplish his goals, complimenting someone's work and encouraging him to increase his productivity, giving out rewards, saying the word "yes" instead of saying the word "no."

Using your abilities to trust someone and letting him know you trust him, nod in approval instead of suspecting folly, notice everything that is beautiful instead of seeing ugliness. Not thinking that someone is ugly simply because he does not look the same way as you do.

Counting on the Biblical scriptures to all come true and to heal your life and the lives around you. To be amazed when a scripture prophesy validates and happens to save your life, to know that there is an upper hand, a higher power, and that anything you experience as a regression by an oppressor will heal and that your enemies will vanish and you will never see them again, like grass they will wither, and you will peacefully live in your land and live to see happiness in all that you do, and to be a success in all that you dream.

May all your desires come true.


Interfaith family, broken rules, marrying out of one's religion, a family of non-unification, different religions in one family unit, different gods, different practices, different beliefs, friction, battles, wars.

The Crusaders fighting the Maccabees over the breakfast table in the morning, throwing cereal and eggs around the table, trying to decide ethics for all when all ethics go by different rules, my rules are not your rules, a different set of ethical commandments, not like the other.

Arguing whether it was Moses or Jesus, Old Testament or Torah, beliefs in different Bibles. Scoffing and condemning, leaving all religions and creating one's own religion, agnostics, atheists, all because one married out of his religion to a spouse of a different religion.

Trying to keep the peace, having my lights burning brightly for 8 days, can still see the light, will not be marrying out of  my religion, no husbands of different faiths, not making the same mistake my father made, not playing with the fires of falsehood.

Wearing a medallion around my neck that says Israel on one side and showing Israel's official seal on the other side. Not at family parties, instead at a drawing board, drawing up architectural plans of peace on Earth, really meaning it. Not as an inclusion or exclusion of a family member into a mish-mash of different family traditions, but as a follower of one G-d, one Faith, not in crazy confusion.

Chanukah lights burned brighter than other lights this year, finding warmth outside of a family of broken covenants, different religious practices, warmth that is coming directly from G-d.

A sun that burns, but not burning too hot to touch, instead burning with the warmth of the love of G-d, where a human's imperfect mortal love is lacking.

Wednesday, December 23, 2015


Walking, daily exercise, moving the muscles, stretching the legs, shrugging the shoulders, tapping the foot, rotating the ankles, walking faster than is comfortable, moving the arms as you walk, a commitment to stay in shape, lifting heavy objects, lifting hand weights, climbing stairs, avoiding elevators, massaging your knees, raining down warm shower water on the joints, tensing up and then relaxing, taking yoga classes, feeling the needs of your body, resting and action, one then the other, deep breathing, shallow relaxed breathing, increasing the pulse rate, keeping up with those who are younger, not allowing yourself to feel old, not giving in, not giving up.

The older you get the stronger you get. Not giving in, not giving up. The meaning of good health with the rewards of longevity.


In the course of conversation, talking, schmoozing, chit chatting, saying stuff, another phone call, a way to show you agree, statements to make, neutral statements, inflammatory statements, things to say to show you feel the same way, things not to say, thinking before you speak, swallowing insulting words, not spitting up vehemence, conversing to unite two into one, speech that fosters independence, linking me to you, giving me space, privacy, private territory, a closed gate, keeping secrets, not wanting to divulge personal information, having a fence around yourself, a protective encampment, guarding your riches, guarding your privacy, being in the public eye, not looking at the evil eye, having a hamsa in the palm of one's hand, averting one's eyes, not challenging, not demanding, letting someone know how you feel, but knowing that you cannot teach an old dog new tricks.

Trying to change the world starts with the acceptance that you cannot change it, but you can change your reaction to it.

The name Joel or Y'o-el in Hebrew means To Be Agreeable.

Tuesday, December 22, 2015


Fasting, but not fast, instead doing it slowly, a steady climb upwards, avoiding temptations, avoiding foods and drinks, not anointing today with lotions, wearing sackcloth, getting into a mood of solemnity, wanting today to be hungry, desiring mournfulness, reaching out to fellow Jewish landsmen, depleting strengths, weakening the body to bring thoughtfulness to the brain, tasting nothing pleasing, feasting stopped, gluttony ceased, body dehydrating, feeling like crying, crying because we once had a Temple in Jerusalem, and we do not have it anymore.

Studying how we can replace sacrifices with acts of lovingkindness, how the blood had to stop flowing, blood as a life source, a gift of oxen blood to G-d, to sacrifice a lamb on an altar, the lambs who were being worshiped by the Egyptians as gods, lambs who were fed before the Hebrew slaves were fed, lambs who were so cute and gentle that the Egyptians used them to take the place of G-d, and then tried to force the Hebrew slaves to worship them too, so instead became sacrificial gifts to the one and only true G-d, and nutritious meat to feed the Kohayne and Levite Priests.

It is not about saving the lamb from extinction, it is about treating one's fellow human neighbor as a friend, loving your neighbor, and so we do not destroy the mosque that stands now where the 1st and 2nd Temples were standing.

Having morals, having dignity, having a code of ethics, saying "Shalom" as a greeting that means peace and saying it again and again as hello and good bye.

Thursday, December 10, 2015


Chanukah, the holiness of this holiday that is supposed to be a secular time, but its light and warmth change the secular into religious Jewish holiness. Gift giving, Chanukah menorahs shining brightly in windows, family get-togethers, laughing and singing, chanting blessings, going to worship services at Shuls, thinking good thoughts as brightly as the menorah is shining.

Fiery passionate gatherings, Chanukah Maccabee warriors fighting and winning peace. Swords flying, bows bending and arrows shooting, horses and chariots beating hoofs into the ground, a battle that was won with one candle lighting the way, one light that lasted for eight days when it was supposed to last for only one.

Reading The Apocalypse about the Crusaders and how they took a loss, how the Jews won the battles and with fewer but braver fighters. We won because we truly had something worth fighting for--we were fighting for peace and the right to practice religious Judaism.

Judaism with jelly donuts, and latkes flying off frying pans in kosher kitchens, not a speck of pork to be found anywhere. Clean foods, pure foods, kosher foods, pure righteous people.

Dreidels spinning, kids laughing, licking the sweetness of melting chocolate gelt. Families bonding together, to keep families going, to continue family love and Judaism in the family generation after generation.

Chanukah, Chanukah, we feel your warmth and love, let it continue all year round!  

Wednesday, December 9, 2015


Staying away from the wicked, brushing it off, slapping it like a mosquito, changing negative thoughts to good thoughts, changing the language we are thinking from English to Hebrew, taking our inner thoughts and changing them to Hebrew chants, chasing away ghosts who beckon us to befriend them, looking to our ancestors as mentors, doing what our parents did when they did the right thing, and not doing as they did when they were rebellious.

A child should not be punished for his/her parents' sins. Overcoming the times when we bit into a cheeseburger, a changed life, a life of pure kosher beef. Pork not existing as a bad omen anymore, it is not in the kitchen.

Avoiding all bad omens, thinking only beautiful thoughts like an abundance of chesed which makes one a Chassid.

Learning our lessons and internalizing them, internalizing them into our minds, hearts and bodies, always studying Torah as we see its influence on everything in our lives and use it to change evil into good. Not making the same mistakes over and over again, but following the commandments and overcoming the evils the Prophets faced too, that we too face everyday.

Praying so hard we are like Hannah who they saw as a drunk, but who instead was in the closest relationship with G-d that was possible for a mortal.

Using our skills to keep the peace in our families where adversity thrives, and to stand apart from the temptations of worshipping idols and eating non-kosher foods. Having the ability to go back, to again pray to the only One true G-d, using that springboard to stay on track, to improve, to dash our impure ways into the waters to be washed and to come up pure again.

Standing apart from the impure, trying to make pure what is impure, not having impurities take hold, take effect, instead leading a religious Jewish life.


Tuesday, December 8, 2015


Kissing a mezuzah, sparks of holiness flying off an object of mitzvah, like electric lights, flickers of holy flames, mezuzot lighting up in gloriousness, shining cases of gold, silver, or bronze, seeing every doorpost rescued as a safe door to enter, a safe room to occupy, a safe place to sleep, a safe room, a safe place, a protection against evil.

Passing through a doorway where a fence encircles it, a fence where no evil can penetrate, a fence around The Torah, a symbolic fence around a room.

G-d is in that room with you, He is everywhere and even more so in a room protected by a mezuzah. Catching a glimpse of its golden case, kissing one's hand to place the kiss on the case, always respectful of Jewish ritual objects, always nearer to G-d when we interact with them.

A holy way to enter or exit a space, being inside a holy place, having only holy places all around you.

A kiss that means you love it, that you love being in love. That you love being in love with G-d. That you love being protected. That we steer clear of evil, brush it off, do not associate with it, we are kissing the good, kissing the righteous, always in love, always in love with the good.

Goodness everywhere, mezuzot everywhere, love everywhere, G-d everywhere, protection everywhere. Living a life in love with a mezuzah!

Thursday, December 3, 2015


Reach up high and grasp the tops of the trees and come all the way down to touch your toes, the roots of the trees, sway your body and arms and hands back and forth like a tree in the wind, think about your Rabbi's sermons and remember them, scoop up your arms and flicker your fingers spreading around the gold dust of these memories of these sermons, tossing the words into the air around you and spreading holy words this way all throughout the sky, as a tree spreads its seeds.

Bend your body down, bow it, bow it again, use your body like a tree to bow to praise G-d. Be as strong as a tree, as sturdy as a tree, and as stable as a tree grounded in a network of roots, sip your water and hydrate your branches, balance like a scale of justice, a blessing that moves and blows around as truth, as we stretch out our ideas as mighty arms like heavy wooden branches.

The arms of the Almighty G-d, as G-d moves around like a wandering tribe, as the heart of Jewish life, as we build our lives, our commitment to Judaism. Dig deeply, deeper than the tree roots go down, for we are attached to a life source, we need to recover it, it is fundamental to who we are as Jews.

Winter weather sets in and we sleep, hibernating, as the trees sleep, we sleep too. On the seventh day G-d rested.

Teach us O merciful One, show us how to fulfill all that is in Your Torah.

Wednesday, December 2, 2015


Crabbiness, not enough coffee, drinking more and more cups, hoping pains go away, flexing one's legs to TV yoga programs, trying to pray without a religion, not praying for anyone else but expecting everyone to pray for you, taking but never giving, expecting everyone to give to you but you are not even thankful, striking out at your loved ones, feeling miserable and trying to make them feel miserable too, pretending that the world is rosy but screaming inside and screaming at your family, using people for your gains and never developing a truly loving relationship from the heart.

Pains in your body constantly gnawing at your brain, trying to keep up a sharp brain but all it does is register the effects of your nerves, your pains, nerves alive tingling with every wince, as you walk but are hobbling, and cannot even stand up. Sitting in upholstered chairs because you cannot stand.

Crying out to everyone for help and getting nasty when someone cannot help you. Hiding in your misery, a conscience full of guilt as you abuse those around you with words from the gutter, constant abuse of your family, destroying the brains of your children.

There is a better way.  

Tuesday, December 1, 2015


Not old, but wise in years, a senior citizen, a glorious end of a journey, looking towards a second lifetime, seeing angels in your mind's eye, an elder, a person who lived to a grand old age, a grandparent, a successful end to a path of gainful living, a time to retire, a time to relax, an easy chair in one's living room, playing cards, playing chess and Bingo.

Snoozing in an afternoon nap with a cup of tea at three. Putting up one's feet, exercising for better blood circulation. A large private library, always something to read, not carrying heavy books, a book bag, a paperback, a trip to the neighborhood library in the afternoon.

Aches and pains, flexing knees, lifting light weights, watching yoga on TV. A hard time getting out of bed, wishing to sleep in, stretching one's muscles, pain radiating from the knees. Shoulders stiff and sore, getting professional massages, sitting in a spa, water splashing on sore body parts, warm water, frothy water, water that soothes, water that takes away all pains.

Knowing a lot. Having book knowledge, having street knowledge, clever, smart, sharp in one's brain or hazy in memory, trying to hold on to hope, trying to have good days, following the sun and avoiding a dark attitude. Trying to smile when your lips are sagging. Lines forming on one's face, lines of age, lines of experience.

Worked for a living wearing many different hats. Collecting a pension, getting social security, avoiding trips to the doctor, eating an apple a day instead. Taking one's vitamins, not wanting another pill.

Was a good life, many good memories, many good friendships, been to many funerals, gave birth to many children. Grandchildren sitting on your lap, knitting scarves for the family, cooking for just one. Glad you had a long life, wanting an even longer life, good times ahead, every moment is precious.

Old age, a time to rejoice, a time to celebrate, a time to live some more and more again. A clock that never stops ticking. A long past with a short future, to make happiness out of every minute.


What is the light of Chanukah? What does this fire represent? Chanukah means "to start something new."

The fires of Chanukah are hot, passionate, spiritual, we fight evil, overcome darkness, make everything pure. The fires put an end to coldness, melts ice, ends frigidity. Puts an end to a difficult life, turns an obstacle into a support. Brings love where there is hatred. Puts us in a place where we live forever as the flame lights the way to eternal life

Bringing purity to the world, risking lives to lighten darkness as Jacob fought the angel and the Maccabees fought the Crusaders and won, bringing selflessness to every situation, pushing back armies which desecrate Torah, pushing back the forces of darkness, making the way to lighten the path for the Mashiach to come, nine flames that ended all bad things.

We have this power to elevate the Torah, to push back the darkness, lighten the paths to peace, fight the Goliaths, change evil with lightness, end a dark exile, support Torah, inherit victory and an ability to fight wickedness, to face all challenges, to bring light to 2,000 universes.

The sun will shine for us brightly, and evil will end, darkness will diminish, music will fill the air and the whole world will be singing praises and we will all be laughing and all our lives will be elevated to the ultimate position of holiness: to sing, sing, sing and never die.

Everywhere, everyone. The door is open. Chanukah will never end.