Friday, August 11, 2017


Image result for the image of god

What characteristics does God possess that you like that you want to imitate, to follow in His footsteps, to do as He does, to talk as He talks, to act as He acts.

There are numerous ways we can be like God, as we are made in the image of God, so yes, we look like God. Men look like God, because they are made in His image, and women alike look like God, because we too are made in His/Her image. (Using Him as a shortcut, but knowing God is genderless).

God's wondrous actions, splitting apart the Red Seas, sending down hail to destroy crops, locusts too, frogs, beasts, turning water into wine, Moses's staff, a simple wooden rod to bring about these miracles as he passes it over the land, the firstborn of the Egyptians to die. Moses's rescue from the waters of the Nile, to be saved from drowning in the reeds, an Egyptian princess herself being the savior. Her name was Batyah.

To have children of your own or to adopt children, as to follow God's instructions as Batyah did, in this same way.

Sweetening bitter waters with wood, raising the dead, bringing children to the childless, a parental figure for the motherless and fatherless. To be a wife or husband to the divorced or widowed. Someone to love, someone to fear so not to be punished for transgressions because we do not transgress. But if we do, we have His forgiveness no matter what.

To be merciful, to love, to obey, to respect, to offer assistance, to feed the poor and the hungry, to offer compassion in someone's mourning processes, to heal the sick, to celebrate with newlyweds. Not just your fellow Jews, but all people, all Jews and non-Jews.

The reason being, to keep the peace. Need a Mentor, find your good example in the Words of God, look like He looks, talk as He talks, change the world as He changed/changes the world. To make the Earth a better place for all of us to live, together as ONE people all under ONE God, the same God for all of us.

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