Sunday, August 6, 2017


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Are you living around a delusion telling yourself that love is all you need to stay alive? That love is everything and we must only love a God, never to fear a God. Do you try to convince others like a Beatles rock and roll song, Love is all you need?

If you get colon cancer or brain cancer, I hope you do not rely on someone's love to cure you. There are medical cures that are real and if your illness is real, it will take more than love to cure you. No, you do not have to "love" your physician to get a cure, he actually would prefer not, him knowing if he is smart that love for someone, or for a God will not cure the illness. There are medicines that cure illness.

Do you think that love is where it is at and not fear? We as a government hope you will obey the Commandments of The Torah, the 613 Mitzvoth, or you will be arrested and put into prison. It is fear of God, fear of doing wrong, that keeps us on the straight and narrow. Gives us an ability to respect others and never to hurt anyone. It is the punishment from God backed by armies and defense corps that you must fear, or else. And yes, God is at the top of the army, He is our Leader.

Follow Him and fear Him, and stay safe and secure this way, love is not enough and actually can cause more problems than good.

Use restraint to love only God and your family and your friends and humanity as a whole, by obeying God's Laws, so all of them and you will be well. Boundaries must be respected and honored and not disobeyed.

Tonight and tomorrow is Tu' Ba'av, the 15th of Av, The Jewish Valentine's Day.

Warm yourself by a candle light and a good hot meal, and do not let your passions overrule your intellect. In order to love we need to respect, first, and love is from the heart, but our heart will not pump without a brain.

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