Sunday, August 20, 2017


Image result for LUCK AND GOD

What is luck, lucky is yucky and yucky is mucky!

Being submerged in a pool of muddy waters. Not in control of goings on or of reasons or happenings.

Irresponsibility, saying you have nothing to do with the outcome of your circumstances. Luck being totally out of your's or anyone else's control. Knowing the Commandments of the Bible but saying it is "luck" that controls your behavior and whatever happens has nothing to do with your actions, words or deeds. Not in obedience to the Torah and so "bad luck" is blamed for everything.

There is good luck and there is bad luck. 

Lucky in games: poker, rummy, dice, backgammon, Chinese checkers, American checkers, chess, Candy-land, The Old Bachelor, Clue, Mah Jong, Bingo. Games can be lucky, and we can enjoy these games and absolve ourselves of responsibility when we play. But knowing that a game is a game and a true life situation is a true life situation.

Good luck! But better yet, I will say a prayer for you so God protects you and guides you as He is within our control. If we do not transgress and break a Torah Commandment we do not have to depend on luck, instead getting the best-est of the best: the love and fear of the One True God, not to get "bad luck" as being blamed for a punishment.

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