To follow The Torah, to honor and respect both your Mother and Father, or Father and Mother, as both sequentially in the two orders are listed as Commandments in The Torah.
To have parents to respect, as the path to be able to honor and respect a higher power, an authority, as G-d The Almighty Himself. To follow the teachings of The Torah as you follow the teachings of your Mother and Father. To have an established family "plan" and to fit into your family like a glove. To have your parents as your Matriarchs and Patriarchs. To love your brothers and sisters like Joseph The Prophet loved his brethren Benjamin, his younger brother. To have this sibling who had the same Mother as you and the same Father. A sibling whose body make-up of DNA and genetics are so similar to yours, to have this "twin" in your life who understands you and has many of the same issues as you. To nurture this twin in your life as you nurture yourself.
To not get lost in a world of imagery. To do as The Torah instructs us "to not create sculpture or images in the likeness of the seas, skies, or lands." To therefore not have an image of The G-d Almighty Himself, to instead of being bound to an image, to use your imagination and to "see" G-D as an entity in all things, all material and all spiritual. To not know what G-D looks like, so to be able to see Him everywhere. To use your imagination, to contrive, to visualize, to memorize, to try to figure out the impossible.
To have keenness of perception, as your G-D follows you everywhere, as you lead G-D everywhere that you go, as your G-D is not in a sculpture that you have left at home, not in a pocket of your pants that are in the laundry, instead not to be dependent on an idol as a physical entity to represent your G-D Who you worship. Having G-D instead as the song on your lips Who you can pray to and petition His help to you whenever and wherever you are or will be going.
Having The Almighty G-D in your body as you choose to eat Kosher foods. Having G-D in all things material as you do not have an image of what G-D must look like.
Being surrounded by The Good Lord, because what you perform are actions of goodness as you learned these actions from The Lord Himself and so can use G-D as a Guide and Savior.
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