Thursday, September 1, 2016


Image result for NEVER GIVING UP

Not giving up, to continue to try and to try some more, not taking backseat, not taking a loss as your end, continuing to pick up where you left off and to give it another try.

Suffering losses but not letting them get to you, patching the hole in your shoe and keep on walking, striving and striding, not allowing a setback to set you back.

If once you gave it a try, but your try was not successful, not to think every time you try it will be a loss. Recovering from what seems like a loss but instead can be turned into a success because you do not accept it as a loss, instead turning it into a gain.

Being gainful in all your attempts, to win not to lose, to continue to play the game, to stay in the ring and come back for another fight, to not accept a loss as the end, to turn around and make lemonade out of lemons, to be the one to never give up, never give in.

Whatever it is that causes you to take another breath, to open your air passageways and to suck in more oxygen, to have the ability to open your eyes to see a bright blue sky, to not think of doom but to use these blue skies as your everyday impetus to do whatever it is you are doing, all over again, to pick up where you left off and to succeed.

To come out on top, to take the blueness of the skies and use it to color your own individual world with its beauty, loving the brilliance of these blue skies and making them yours.

Having the wisdom and perseverance to keep on keepin' on, and therefore to win in all that you do and not ever to lose.

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