Friday, September 16, 2016


Image result for MOTHER NATURE

Who really is this entity that is given the name "Mother Nature"? This feminine name that was given to our lands, seas, and skies, is yes, indeed a Mother of sorts, She has her origins in what we use is the name of G-D as SHEKINAH, Who is the female version of G-D.

G-D as Shekinah containing characteristics of both the feminine and the masculine, so She was given this female name of Shekinah to represent the feminine aspects of G-D, Her job in the world as a "Mother" of nature, The Creator as a "Mother" with a womb from which everything in the world came forth as Her creation, Her children, the creations of G-D.

So, as a "Mother Nature" or specifically as a Mother of Nature, Who instead we will call "The Shekinah," our G-D as a Mother is present in all natural surroundings, She is there with us as we walk on a beach of a lake, as we see live fish swimming in this lake as being "nature," the living animals that use the lake as its home, are Her children.

No, we cannot worship a tree as an idol, instead of the Shekinah, calling a tree a symbol of Mother Nature. Instead we can view this tree as being the source of the wood that is used to create a Torah scroll, its function being holy in this way. We do not call the lands, seas, and skies a fictitious "Mother Nature." Instead when we are present in natural surroundings, it is the Shekinah Who is present. We see Her as G-D everywhere.

She created all the trees and all the lakes, all the blue skies, Shekinah, our female Mother G-D is real, She is present in all nature, She is The Creator of nature. We can see Her in everything, not just solely in a tree.

When two Jewish people meet and converse, when two Jews correspond and connect, it is then that the Shekinah becomes present. She is a force that unites the Jewish people, whatever their denomination: Orthodox, Conservative, or Reform.

It is The Shekinah Who appears with Her loving arms in a warm cozy hug around two Jews as they relate. This hugging of these Jews in Her gentle arms brings Her love into the relationship, as The Shekinah She appears as the holiness of the love that is felt between two Jews.

Mother Nature, yes, is really The Shekinah, and The Shekinah is the G-D of all people of all religions, the female aspect of The Lord.

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