"The sluggard is afraid of meeting a lion in the streets, saying he will be killed by this lion!"
[The Proverbs]
Looking this way and that, afraid to cross a street, having come across this lion before, hearing roaring in the wind when it is actually only the chirping of birds, seeing lions on your path not venturing into a lion's den, imagining a lion's den when there is only a place of comfort, no lions at all, going into the dens of lions and coming out unscathed, Daniel being a man of honor, stuffing swords into the mouths of lions, having a shield that reflects their bite, going again and again into this lion's den being where you as the lions get your food, stealing food out of the mouths of the lions, being fed before them.
Seeing a lion who appears as a lion but is only a lamb, not to fear the lamb or the lion, to continue to go out into the streets meeting or not meeting a lion, streets empty of lions, not even a lion to imagine.
Knowing the difference between a lion and a lamb, not to be a tasty morsel for lions who pretend they are lambs.
To see a lion and to not be affected, to ignore the roar of a lion, to hear the roar and to deflect it, to not be game, to not play their game, to be the slayer of a lion who is just a lamb. To see everyone as being lions but to hear them all cooing not roaring, to know a real lion and to avoid him, to ignore a lion as he scratches his nails, to not be in the path of lions as they stampede.
To instead be a lion to those who scare you as lions, to roar when it is time to roar, and to ignore when it is time to ignore. To be a lion who lays down with a lamb and to feel its softness and to not worship this lamb. To not worship anyone who protects a lamb, to not use the lamb as a reason to disobey 613 Commandments.
To be this lion, to not be a sluggard to be afraid of lions, to not lock your doors and stay inside for fear of this lion, to be as brave as a lion and as soft as a lamb.
To be the leader of the pack, to love lions, to not fear lions, to be a lion and to be a lamb.
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