Monday, July 11, 2016


"Food nourishes the body, but the body needs water in order to absorb the nutrients in the food. Similarly, the “food” of the soul is the Torah and its “water” is the Torah’s ability to influence all facets of our personalities, all types of people, and all aspects of life."

How can the Torah have the ability to influence people and what does it influence people to do?

The Torah tells us to obey Commandments, like to not have a relationship with a "ghost," but instead what we can do is honor our ancestors. We cannot connect to spirits or raise the spirits from the dead.

What is a ghost? A ghost is a spirit of someone who is deceased.

We are not to worship the deceased instead of worshipping a One True G-d and we are not to raise a dead man's ghost to be the status of a god.

We are not to put a ghost before our One Almighty G-d to hide G-d's influence for us to be good, to do good, to follow 613 Commandments. Putting a dead ghost god before our One G-d Almighty will destroy His abilities to help you. Instead of having the protective peaceful powers of an Almighty One G-d, you have a relationship with a dead ghost god as your "friend" and in being your friend you must reduce him in his powers to becoming your equal so you do not have a friend who overpowers you. But in reducing him to your equal, his powers to protect and to love you are then reduced. And what you then have is no god at all.

The food of the Torah are the chapters of the Torah that teach us not to disobey The Torah's rules. Not to take on a dead ghost and call him from the dead and not to worship him.

The food of the Torah also says to not worship an image or sculpture. To not take this dead ghost god and to not create an image of  him so what you have is not a god but an image that you are worshipping. To not make a solid idol like of a cross that you must physically have in your possession so you can think of your dead ghost god as being real as this cross is real because you can touch it.

Instead, what we are commanded to do is to have an imagination. To imagine G-d as being real and as being real and all around you, not just in an image of a man with a beard, and not just on a cross, not seeing this dead ghost god only in crosses and in pictures, but to be able to feel a One Almighty G-d Who is everywhere and is everything.

Not to limit your perception of G-d to instead be only a dead ghost, this ghost comes from a body of a corpse that is eaten by maggots. There is no such thing as a body that  rises above the Earth in magic flight as supposedly being taken up by its Father. This defies the laws of nature we know to be truths as scientists. And to not believe the untruth that a female can give birth to a son (Son of God) without being impregnated by human sperm cells.

So, to have this "belief" of untruths furthers the deceit we become engulfed in when we disobey the Commandments that forbids us from worshipping ghosts.

That is why we eat the food and drink the water of The Torah and obey the 613 Commandments that forbids the worship of ghosts and instead gives us a One Almighty G-d Who we can imagine. In using our imagination to aid our perception we also use our senses: to see, feel, hear, touch, and smell a One True Almighty G-d named HASHEM.

HASHEM means "The Name" but it is not the name of a ghost, therefore we can imagine Him as a power that is everywhere and in everything. Our entire world and universe thus becomes a holy place and we become holy as its inhabitants as we feel G-d everywhere including within ourselves.

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